
Has our society become so strange, that it is considered abnormal to be well-adjusted and healthy?

by  |  earlier

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It's almost as if people think something is wrong with you if you don't have 3 kids out of wedlock, and don't do illegal substances, and don't cheat on your spouse, and are able to make it through the day without intentionally hurting someone.




  1. It sure almost seems that way.  I once had someone ask me who I saw on the side in addition to my significant other, and she looked at me like I was from Jupiter when I told her I was monogamous!  I've also had people think of me as being "no fun" when I've turned down alcohol, illegal drugs, and/or promiscuous s*x.  It's made it hard to make friends- especially when people see you as a freak for being well- adjusted.

  2. That's because we live in a society where those values are deterorating.  That doesn't mean that I look down on people who are in a different situation than myself I'm just stating a fact.  Another problem is if you are one of those people who don't have children out of wedlock e.t.c  You get people bad mouthing you because of it, trying to cause trouble on you.  Funny isn't it ?  :-)

  3. yeah...doesn't it make a person feel a bit strange now to be normal...

    have to start a whole new group for normals anonymous...

  4. I hear ya, isn't it strange? What's even more effed up is the messed up people TRYING TO ACT LIKE THEY'RE THE NORMAL ONES. I think that's even more horrible.

  5. Be proud but not so proud that you place yourself on a pedestal. It's not abnormal to be well adjusted, kudos to you. Remember, everyone has their own concept of well adjusted and normal.

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