
Has "Premier League reading stars" incresed the reading statistics among children?

by Guest34477  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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"Premier League reading stars" is a way to use the star power of the players to inspire their fans to take up books.I want to know that has Premier League reading stars increased the reading ratio among the young people?




  1. spikerdude843

    A new study by the National Literacy has revealed that almost one-third (32.3 per cent) of boys aged eight to 16 agree with the statement 'I can't find anything to read that interests me.'However, with research also finding that over a quarter of boys (28 per cent) saying that sportspeople inspire them to read it is hoped that the 2010 Premier League Reading Stars (PLRS) project can bring more young people to books. PLRS, a joint initiative between the National Literacy Trust and the Premier League, uses Barclay's Premier League players to encourage families to share stories together and particularly inspire boys who wouldn't normally enjoy reading.

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