
Has racial profiling increased due to the immigration issues?

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Racial Profiling at Work in Police Confiscation of Migrant Worker's Cash, SPLC Tells Court

Driving through Alabama with a lot of cash is not a crime. But for migrant worker Victor Marquez, it might as well have been.

Marquez was traveling to his hometown in Querétero, Mexico, when a police officer pulled over the truck in which he was riding and decided to confiscate almost $20,000, claiming it was drug money.

Citing racial profiling and violation of his constitutional rights, the Southern Poverty Law Center is representing Marquez as he tries to recover the money he accumulated while harvesting beans in South Florida for almost a decade.

"This is literally a case of highway robbery," said Mary Bauer, director of the SPLC's Immigrant Justice Project. "Our client is the victim of a campaign of racial profiling, in which the state has assumed without evidence that an individual of Mexican heritage possessing any significant sum of money must have obtained it illegally."

After a season of harvesting beans in Florida, Marquez was traveling on Interstate 10 to Mexico so he could start construction of a house on land he had earlier bought. He carried his legitimately earned wages and savings, along with that of a brother, who also worked in Florida.




  1. There is no evidence of racial profiling in that entire article, none what so ever.  It's purely speculation and if you actually believe half of the stuff written there, I have some Nigerian money in a bank I will give you.

    I'm black and have seen real racial profiling.

  2. Hope he gets his money back. The officer doesn't deserve to have a badge.

  3. How does one case constitute an increase?  What base to we have to go in to prove an increase.  This is probably an impossible question ot answers correctly without actually numbers.

    And how do we know that was actually racist profiling, that website is about as biased as it gets.

    Using non-biased websites to try and prove a point would be a wise decision.

  4. Despite the lack of racial profiling in this story, I do believe it has increased because ive seen it here where i live. If anyone that doesnt speak spanish sees me or my friends speaking spanish they call us wetbacks & tell us to go back to Mexico & the thing is we're not even from mexico. my friends are from Guatemala & im from US im Chicana

  5. I think there has always been racial profiling, there are times when we hear about it more but it has always been there. There will also always be abuses of authority, your article is one of thousands of stories.

  6. I don't think that was racial profiling. I think it was more about having power and authority. My boyfriend was arrested last week and they stole his cell phone..when he saw that his cell phone was not in his property list he asked for it and they told him "you don't need it where you're going!"

  7. With in illegal alien circles, racial profiling is mostly a bogus term used by folks who want approval for illegal activities.  The SPLC has a bad reputation which I believe is documented on the web.  They don't really care about the people.. they just want the money.  

    Per the circumstances described here: a link would have been so simple, and if we had the opportunity to read that link, we could have agreed.

    Per the illegal aliens.  They are heavily involved in the distribution of illicit narcotics.  I would put the users in jail as well as the pushers, but because it is so extremely dangerous for cops, users and pushers, the police don't revel the information they have to protect the people involved in busting a low life dope pusher.

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