
Has she got the right? My aunt removes and puts in the in anything we put on our grandparents grave?

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is she allowed to do this?

In the grave are my great grand parents, my grandparents and baby cousin.

the plot was owned by my grandmother. since my grandparents died my one aunty has turned into a right bi$ch.

she doesn’t speak to ANY of the family.

Whenever someone puts something on the grave she will chuck it away.

My mum, since I was born has always wanted to be buried with her mother and father,

but she now says she doesn’t want to go in there because she doesn’t want to give her sister the satisfaction of telling me no my mother cant go in there

does she have all rights? or can I do something




  1. No and you can have charged with criminal damage and public

    disorder.I would she sounds a nutter.

  2. Maybe its time you and the rest of your family had a " heart to heart" with your aunt

  3. While it is not nice or considerate, it is not illegal.

    Some cemeteries will remove it when it is time to mow and do maintance or when they get old.

    I am sorry she is so mean about it.

    You Mom should get buried whereever she wants.

    She has no right to tell any of you where to be buried unless she owns the plot.

    Then I would be buried elsewhere and not invite her.

  4. when someone is buried there is a member of the family who is in charge of the plot (called the deed owner) incase repairs are needed etc, you need to find out who this is, then speak to them. she doesnt have a right to do this, this is not just lack of respect for the for your grieving relatives but lack of respect for the deceased.

  5. i would say no. she shouldnt have the right. it sounds like its a family plot and youre aunt has no claim to ownership. if she refuses to allow family to decorate the gravesite or plan on being buried there, then id get a lawyer. i bet she backs down pretty quickly at the idea of a lawsuit

  6. It really depends on who owns the deeds to the grave. Normally the person who paid the burial expenses and bought the grave.  

    If the  grave is owned by  more than one person then it will be noted on the deeds who the other shareholders are, then your aunt is only a "shareholder", you have has much right as she has to put what you like on the grave, as long as it is within the councils guidelines.

    If she is the "owner" of the grave you will first of all have to have a word with the superintendent of the cemetery, explain to him about your aunts unreasonable behaviour, and if that fails then speak to a councillor for the area that covers the cemetery.

    It might sort her out and let her know that you have the right to visit your grandparents grave as much has she has. I would tell her you are going to speak to the local newspaper as well, that should make her change her mind.

    The ownership of the grave can be changed but this HAS to be done through a solicitor. I know this for certain , because I have taken over the deeds to my great grandparents grave, from my cousin, her mum had them signed over to her years ago, it cost me £15:00.

  7. it isnt your aunts grave rights unfortunately- well for her anyway, all graves are property of the council. it may be the deed rights that are in your aunts name, however, if your mother declares that she no longer has communication with her sister, then by law she can be buried in the grave.

    as of 2000 as we found out, anything that is put on the grave is the councils, so technically no she has no right to remove whats on the gravesite

    we have had the same problem with our family plot and there is a way around this situation, my father wanted to be buried with his mother but his father had dissapeared a long time ago with the grave rights- but you need to inform your mother that a copy of the grave deeps will be held with your local berevement authority for a fee of around 50 quid providing she has documents such as a birth certificate to prove the family relation

    if she has the grave deeds there is nothing that your aunt can do about it and she wont have the satisfaction!

    hope this helps

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