
Has she hacked my computer ?

by Guest56990  |  earlier

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ok i was on MSN and this girl asked me fora picture of me and since i don't know her said no, then she started to get abusive and said she was going to send me a virus. After this she said that she had sent me a virus and had all my pictures and to prove it she sent me one of my pictures. I was quite worried when she said that i would need to buy a need hard drive for my computer seeing as i just broke it a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone have any protection in-case it happens again and does anyone know if i can get her in trouble for doing it ? any answers will be extremely appreciated




  1. Was that photo something you had already posted?  It seems unlikely that she accessed files on your computer.  If she did then she is very good at hacking.  One sure fire way to prevent someone from attacking your computer when they threaten to would be to disconnect from the internet immediately.  Unplug if you are hard wired and shut down your wireless connection.

  2. google her email address and see what you find

    I stopped a vile, nasty woman who turned out to be 65 and using her husband's navy email address.

    boy I love google searches

  3. You are OK.  She is a bully.  Ignore her.  You can't just send someone a virus.

  4. First is first remove the trojan she downloaded on your computer since that is the most common way of computer hijacking. All you can really do is get a firewall and update your anti-virus software often and maybe get some spyware scanners. As for getting her in trouble if you can prove she did it and know who she is then yes.

  5. Any chance its a friend playing a joke?

    I dont think some random chick would send you a virus over a photo?

    Not to mention if you didnt click on a link or something I dont know how she could send you a virus.

    But Im not very up to date on how viruses work sooo....

  6. if any hackers come through msn then the pc wont know about it and it will just think that it is msn, next time dude, don't be so silly, if you suspect someone to be a hacker, block them and delete them. But yeh, she can get in BIG trouble for it.

  7. Use a good anti-virus AND a good firewall! any type of peer to peer chat can be used by a good hacker.

    Also you might keep in mind that she COULD have gotten one of your pictures from a profile you have posted, such as on myspace.

    Good luck!!

  8. She may have made a simple Downloader virus. These download common files that may contain personal info such as images, word documents, spreadsheets, powerpoints, ETC. Do NOT trust anyone you you do not know with any files. Use a virus scanner, such as Avira along with a spyware detecter such as AVG. These two combined are very good, so it should help you get rid of the c**p. My best advice is to get PeerGuardian2 if you have Windows XP and it should block harmful IP's from your computer. Hope this helps.

  9. go onto msn customer help lines they can help track her down when she is on and delete her automatically

  10. Contact MSN tech support and tell them of the problem.  They will track down her ip address and make it harder for her to do that again

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