
Has society/ media pushed to make some things 'acceptable'? Do you feel forced to 'go along' but deep down...

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Has society/ media pushed to make some things 'acceptable'? Do you feel forced to 'go along' but deep down you believe it's not right? Have you found yourself, lets say, hearing about homosexuality so much that you are beginning to think that it's really normal and OK? Do you also think that people who grew up hearing this as 'acceptable' will be capable of answering this question objectively?




  1. The representation of people of other cultures around the world is one such area. The media makes us believe we're the only ones who ever did anything useful and have the technology to reach the masses.

    I am not sure people's perception of homosexuality is pushed either direction by the media though. I would assume g*y people work in the media as do straight people and perhaps they have tried to spread understanding that way. I'm Southern African and I guess it's still pretty much universally unacceptable out there and doubt that media perception does anything except make people think the West is a little crazy. That's not to say there are no g*y people out there striving to be understood..  

  2. Yes. Yes. Sort of. Yes.

    Yes...the media is a big, fat brain washing machine. Before mass media, the world was peaceful. Ignorance truly is bliss.

    What I do not like about the homosexuality "movement" is that fact that they are continuously shoving their sexual behavior down my throat. What ever happened to people just having class and keeping who they s***w to themselves? Is it *really* necessary that everyone know with whom you sleep?

    And everyone under the age of 25 is going to think everything is okay - being rude, having no class, just doing as you please regardless of the feelings or comfort of others. Why? Because we are living in a liberal, democratic world. I grew up in a conservative, Republican world where people did not air thier dirty laundry. They respected each other and we all lived quite comfortably, safe and happy. Perfect? No way. But a damned far sight better than this.

    Good question. I enjoyed it. Thank you.

  3. Any decent person knows that homosexuality is simply not a moral issue, so it is 'OK'.  People who grew up in bigoted, hateful, unenlightened societies may not have come to accept this yet, indeed they may never accept it, but they will die and their kids will.

  4. the liberal wacko will always dumb down your morals no right or wrong nothing is in bad taste  and nothing should happen to people WHO wrong others its always some ones Else's fault great job liberals you have screwed up the world with your c**p !!!!

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