
Has someone ever been mad b/c u didnt tip?

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on the way to our honeymoon cruise the guy takes ur bags b4 u park and we didnt have cash only 2$ till we found an atm and the guy was like Dam man times must be hard huh? i was like what!? sorry! isnt that kinda rude even though we usually tip but we didnt expect all the personal service(our first cruise). lol we tipped everyone well afterwards but geesh!




  1. That comment would have lost that man a tip.  I would have said something like "times are fine, but for your rude comment here is your tip...never accept rides from three legged camels".

  2. It is inexcusable to comment on the fact that

    you got no tip.

    Ironically, the last time someone approached me about not getting a tip, was a waiter whom I did not tip because of his poor, rude service. I told him it had been taken care of, I had already discussed the matter with his manager.

  3. tipping's a disgusting thing, keeps wages down in some jobs.

  4. Yes, I got my nails done once and they would not accept credit cards. I didn't know this before going in, and only had enough to cover the manicure. As I was leaving, the lady was like " don't tip?". I was so annoyed after that, I'm glad I didn't giver her a tip.

  5. I think we are expected to tip too many people in today's society. Now you are even supposed to tip the cleaning lady at your hotel room. I thought it was her job, as employed by the hotel, to clean my room. Oh well.

    Cruises are confusing, especially the first time. How is a first timer supposed to know you are supposed to tip every employee you come within 100 feet of?

    Really though, in most lines of work if someone complained to a customer about not being tipped they would usually fear for their job as most people would report them to a manager.

  6. ehh i think he wasnt meaning to be rude.

    hes right times are hard right now for our country.

  7. Hhaha always have tipped, but one time we gave this lady a twenty because she had been so, so well to us.

    She acted like we gave her a million dollars. I think we made her life...

  8. No, they haven't (at least not that I was aware of).  You have to tip a guy for taking your bags when you get on a cruise and then everyone else too?  Come on!  Why would I spend all that money just to have to drag a few hundred dollars in one's for tips?  I'm rethinking the whole cruise thing now.

  9. That's why I like Japan.

    You don't have to tip anybody and the service is always awesome.

    And no, I've never had someone get mad at me for a bad tip.

  10. I have and never will be a fan of tips.  It is pointless.  Why should I pay someone for doing their job?  That's what their employer is for.

    One time when I got my haircut, I used my credit card.  After swiping it, the hair cutter said, "will this be for exact amount today?"  I had meant to tip her because she is good and I go to her all the time.  Obviously, she was implying that I was supposed to add a few dollars to it as a tip.  Just for saying that, I felt like not giving her a tip.  It was rude.  I gave her a tip anyways - my family and I go to her all the time and I didn't want to create any tension between us.  I was so close to not leaving a tip!

  11. I think the guy was out of line making a comment. As long as you were polite, and said thank you he should have let it go.  

  12. I'd be pissed too....waiters only make about $2/hr and if you don't tip, then they're just wasting their time serving you. You should only go somewhere to eat if you know you have the money too.

    While that may have seemed rude out of context, he may have already been having a bad day and that may have been just one more thing to make it worse.

    To tell you the truth he took it a lot nicer than I would've.

  13. people have gotten angry about it but not too bad.

    If they do a lousy job you cant reallyt do anything about it.

    but since your on a cruise they probablly thing you have money but since only $2 he assumed you didnt i guess.  

  14. Yeah, it even gets confusing as to who you're supposed to tip these days.  I'm a waiter so I KNOW I get tipped but I've heard about a lot of jobs who get tipped and I never knew!

  15. That is rude, that that guy said that, hahah

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