
Has someone ever impacted your life but you never told them that they did?

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Has someone ever impacted your life but you never told them that they did?




  1. Yes, many times actually. Especially these people who pushed me into the brink of emotional destruction and death, and another hope and possibility of eternal happiness.  

  2. Sean Connery did first. Then Arnold Schwarznegger. I can never tell either one that they had a very positive impact on my life because BOTH are "somebody" and I am a nobody. No way to tell them how they helped my life.

  3. Yes, many people have impacted my life and shaped who I am. I think for most it is hard to realize at first, but as time goes on you know. You will look back at someone and then at the current you and realize that that person seeming miniscule at the time made an enormous impact on who you are and will be.

  4. Yes, but then I ended up telling the person.

  5. Yes. Miss Dunn if your out there thank you.

  6. No I always make a habit to thank everyone.

  7. Almost 55 years ago two people, my biological mother and father did.  For reasons I will not discuss here I will just say I was adopted as a young child under 1 year of age.  And I never told them thank you.

  8. Yes...sometimes I do not even realize that someone has until they are gone. Sometimes a person I meet for a split second can have an impact.

  9. Yes, I worked with a man, my boss, at a coal company.  He told me the economy was bad and there was no more need for my services.  I never told him how that devastated me.

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