
Has someone ever told u to "get a life " ?

by  |  earlier

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Has someone ever told u to "get a life " ?




  1. yes and then I realized that they were alive so they didn't need to get one.

  2. Yes mainly here.  I see it everyday whether it's directed at me or other people.  It is pointless to say it just for 2 points, when some one mught report them or just argue with them.

  3. Yes. And my response was "Can I have yours then?" or "Are you offering yours?"

  4. yes its just when they cannot be bother to help you.

  5. yeah.....someone on here. They thought I was being too judgemental in one of my questions so they told me to get a life

  6. Yeah, once. That was SUCH a great insult, huh?

  7. no, has anyone ever told you to spell the word "you" using all the letters?

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