
Has someone laid hands on my password.?

by  |  earlier

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Any time I log on to check my email my Yahoo! messenger window goes off and another window appears on the screen of my computer that I ha been disconnected from chat because I have signed into Yahoo! Messenger from another computer or device.

Does anybody have this experience or I am alone. Is somebody fraudulently logging into my account using my password? And how did this happened? I need some answers people otherwise I am going to stop using YAHOO.

How can Yahoo help trace this person.




  1. I would log on and change my password that way the password they have is no longer valid.

  2. I would change my password if I was you.

  3. l had something like that happen to me. First l want to customize my avatar and the window pop up saying l am using a different operating system.

    They try to rout me to MAC

    Well, l did not have no mac but yet they said l did/ and windows would not update for me.

    l do not know what caused this.l download a free trail of Tuneup Utility 2008. And l ran the repair windows and it was back to working ok. But l need to change my password because l thought they or who ever got my password

    When Yahoo finish with their transition , we will have one password and user name to log in on all yahoo services, this will help knock hackers out.

  4. Here is a lnk for messenger help from Yahoo:

    I would ask here for a specific answer, this sounds like a tech question, or possibly identity theft (someone using you logon info).

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