
Has someone you dated ever influenced you to do something you thought you wouldn't?

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I'm not talking about your significant other trying to get you to do something you don't want to, I just mean do they do something a lot that you never thought about doing, but now you want to do it all the time?

For instance, does he buy shoes all the time and now you always want a new pair of shoes?

Or does she play an instrument and now you want to play one too?




  1. Been together for 12+ years, but not yet...Don't mean that I'm stubborn or anything. We've influenced each other probably in minor ways, but nothing major! My partner does what they want to do, and I do what I want to do, and if it gets too much for either of us, we nag, argue, have a fight :)

  2. I cant say I have.  Thank you very much.  I have a mind of my own and I love my own ways.  I have had friends, family members, and mentors in my life that have been a positive influence in my life.  But I believe you only cease an opportunity or open up a new door for yourself, if you are willing to take the plunge.  There is no doubt in my mind that you must surround yourself with optimistic people to stay on a positive note, but it is always up to oneself to take the flight.  

  3. ...of course, if you've been with a guy for a while you either do things that are either weird or strange for you that you wouldn't normally do...ive been with my significant other (b/f) for only two years...

    ...i've discovered that his love of sports isn't my best thing...he loves college & pro football & basketball...i can sit with him & watch them but don't love them...but i do love to go to our pro baseball stadium and sit be a part of the crowd & cheer and i never would have believed i could do that and like it...

    ...another thing we do is look in catalogs & even shop together for my undergarments that he seems to like...that's always been something private to me and i've never shared with anyone...

    ...i think it comes to sharing things that you might think you'd never think about doing while your relationship progresses

  4. Sure.

    Several girls influenced me to be a better Christian.

    I think you've got to judge what they influence you to do and why.

  5. Yup lol

    I started to drink his favourite drink.

    Iv never really liked passion fruit up until i met him.

    I use to have it all the time then oddly when we boke up i stopped drinking it.

  6. no the girl i had was sweet and nice and caring thats why i still love her

    please answer mine i really need help;...

  7. Hmm yea this guy i dated once was really articulate with words that end with t and then i noticed that i started talking like that too sorta... haha i don't know if i still do that though.

  8. Yea, one girl got me interested in travel, and now I travel all of the time.  And another got me interested in investments.


    I forgot; one girl got me hooked on Indian food. And another one talked me into taking Japanese (I forgot it, so maybe that doesn't count).

  9. yea its because i wanted to bond with that person more...

  10. I never thought I would be interested in sports, but now I have my own fantasy football team and catch myself watching the espn highlights!

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