
Has the ANC lost the plot with firing two Premiers?

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Are they preparing for Zuma which entails getting rid of anti Zuma ministers? They will be losing the western and eastern cape to the DA for sure. Poor political move in my opinion. Can any pro ANC person on this forum explain the logic behind this??




  1. Not a clever move. Besides Rasool & Balindlela supporting Mbeki, what are the other grounds of their dismissal?

  2. T I Rasool deserved it if he is fired. He is a piece of corrupt slimy double talking trash as a large percentage of moslems are.

  3. In my opinion I'm glad they lost the plot. I wasnt a fan of Rasool and am certainly not pro-ANC. This is all a move to unite people and put people in position who are pro-ANC. These 2 premiers have always been pro-Mbeki and in my opinion thats why they got sacked.

    I welcome the DA taking over.

  4. They are just playing mind games.  They are really preparing for Zuma! We are screwed!  I can't stand Zuma!

  5. Are there still pro-ANC people around? How is that possible? I think the ANC lost the plot A LONG time ago. Nothing they do surprises me anymore.

  6. It's not whether you do your job properly it is about who you support - even if the you are forced to support is a Murderous, Raping Crook...

    Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.....

    As Darth and others have said - I don't think we know half the $hit that is going on - we are all going to get a horrible surprise one day - when the likes of Zuma, Malema and the rest of the Comrades - decide enough MR. NICE COMMUNIST - lets get rid of these Whities, Indians and Coloured who are making stealing, raping and murder so difficult for us to get away with....

  7. I wouldn’t call it losing the plot. I agree with you they are not helping their cause, especially in the Western Cape. In the eyes of Rasool’s followers, he’d be moved cause he supported Mbeki. But the little I got is that the provincial leaders of the ANC have long wanted him but Mbeki refused to fire him. My informats tell me that Rasool and Skwatsha are the main causes of divisions within the ANC in that province. There are suggestions that both are to be barred from standing for position at the forthcoming provincial elective conference. If that happens, then their decision to fire Rasool would be anchored on high moral ground.

    In the case of Balindlela one can see the real ugly face of politics. She sat on explosive report for a long time because she wanted to protect her comrades. The court forced her to release it. One of those implicated is Mkhenkesi Stofile. Instead of protecting her, he sat at the NEC and supported that she be fired.  

    But all politics are the same, the only deference here is that this affects us directly and we depressed. All over the world political parties accommodate loyalists only.

  8. I agree with Darth, and the sad part is we are paying for it.........high food, petrol and electricity prices is the result

  9. I think they have lost the plot. As for the pro ANC person hope you like KFK.

  10. I tell you my friend, this country is in big big trouble. In the last ten years it has quietly but surely slipped down the path of corruption just like your Northern brothers. Heavens, it is shocking how it is slipping everywhere if one just look past the cosmetics they are busy applying for 2010.

  11. The ANC has lost the plot some time ago. You can feel the tension withing the ANC and it makes me think of a soap bubble that is about to burst. There is just no thinking process or worry about the consequences in actions they take. The ANC is counting on their supporters to vote for them notwithstanding all of the political in-house 'unrest' withing the party. What they need to keep in mind is that more and more ANC supporters is questioning their actions and these will come and haunt them.

  12. I think their hand was forced - there is mega-corruption that we as public have no clue about!

  13. 200 years ago the primitive savage, Dingaan, murdered his own brother, the equally savage and cannibalistic Shaka, in order to become the all powerful African chief after decades of "Mfecane", the concept here is no different and Zuma is merely in the traditional African process of quelling all dissidents and non loyalists in the ANC in order to create a new era of Chief styled African leadership under the once disposed Zulu nation with himself at the helm.

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