
Has the DVLA ever sent anyone a provisional licence back after sending in a Full Licence?

by Guest63167  |  earlier

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After moving I sent in my Full driving licence to change address. I was sent back a provisional driving licence in its place. The DVLA claim, because there is NO info on my file between passing my test and my change of address, that I never had a full driving licence. Only way I can prove I did have one – show it to them – only they threw it away. anyone got a solution – I do not see why i should retake my test due to their incompetence – do you?




  1. No, but I know someone who has had the opposite problem - they sent her a full license when she hadn't even done her test and wouldn't admit that they had made a mistake!

    Could you contact the test centre where you took your test, they probably keep records, so you might be able to prove it that way.

  2. no....there full of driving instructor,he in turn could contact the test may take a bit of doing but somone,somwhere will have a much trust is put into computers these cant beat the old pen and paper....

    i once sent  a yamaha rxs 100cc bike reg document ,they sent it back saying it was a 10,000cc engine...

  3. Generally NO but these days they have employed many monkeys and so anything is possible.

    The only way to prove you had a driving license is to send in the photocopy if you have kept it or else take another driving test.

    Good luck.

  4. I suggest you contact the DVLA by letter or email and tell them how angry you are, and you expect a full investigation into this blunder, provide your driving number (if you know it).

  5. I  think DVLA should be investigated for there  blunders and such.

    Myself i got sick of sending my licence off  to correct a spelling mistake only to have it return with  another spelling mistake(s).

    I find it strange that i can have  3 motorcycles from the 70's , all the same make,model and  cc, yet  none will be registered the same. It shows  to me that in the early days thier filing system had  loads of holes in it. and now  its all been put on computers!.

    This is why i think they can offer the public a better service.

    I also think their phone operators are renouned for miss-informing   people who phone in with questions.

    I dont trust the DVLA, and i worry about sending my licence away- as i wander what will happen.  I took my test 17 years ago- so prooving  i have a full licence would be difficult- if not impossible

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