
Has the Darnell HAting died down a bit..???

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... or have the hysteria just waned a bit as everyone can see what Sara's playing at now...?


well.. anyone over 25 anyway




  1. haha  i  think  it  has Doc  ,it'll be  someone  else's  turn  tomorrow   lmao

  2. I think so because of the past 2 days!

    Bye x

  3. it better have

  4. I do like Darnell but i am so glad he is still

    locked up and the public can sleep safely

    in there bed Sara is playing Darnell like

    Mobey d**k, the big white whale, but he

    will explode again when he realises what

    she is playing at and swallow her whole.

  5. well dr bad, it was only a matter of time...i have been b*tching and putting darnell haters in their place for the past week and a half now trying to tell them that sara is just no good. as i mentioned in a previous answer, no self respecting woman who has been called and ugly b*tch and a sl*t would be rubbing up on a man as she has been doing with darnell. did you see how every time she answered him she went close to him like she was gonna kiss him. darnell is just a fool in love but c'mon, can people really say she is just being friendly?? if that is the case then why doesn't she do it to rex?? seeing as she said he weren't bullying her and that it was how ppl forget so easily. and that is why darnell was the victim, it's only a matter of time before the vicious cycle reoccurs. look how much darnell has gone back to his normal self. i was hoping she would show her true colours a little more coz it's like people were watching a different show when saying she had done nothing wrong. she is probably missing attention being on her and is feeling a bit horny...hey! maybe her cheap frill is seeing others drool over me!!!

  6. Maybe some people have woken up and smelt the coffee Doc and seen through Sara now !!  

  7. No the man is intolerable and should be put down. What a whining self indulgent @rse.

  8. i think i might have to apologize a bit (only a bit though lol) she still did not deserve that but.... i can see now that she is leading him on, ok she tells him she is not interested she then plays along flirting and being a fool, even rex has told her to calm down a bitm but she pretends she can't see whats going on!!  i do think that he is messed up, but now see that sarah see's that too and plays on it!!  so for all the argueing last week with yourself i'm sorry lol  

  9. Hopefully him and Sara won't fall out again because this time I think Darnell might really loose it and REALLY tell her a thing or two...

    Then the 'haters' WILL be

  10. I don't hate the guy - but i do have some reasons to dislike him.

    All the anger and resentment is still in there ready to pour out when it all goes wrong again - by that i mean when he doesn't get what he wants    ;  )

    silly wee boy throwing temper tantrums!

    I don't care what Sara's done - i still like her and she's the only one who deserves to win - hope darnell leaves soon!!

    roll on his next crazy self pitying moment -- oops! i think he's just had it ROFL!


    it's shameful the way those numpties have treated Sara...she will come out of this better than the others       ;  )

  11. i cant watch her in the dairy room, she  makes me sick

  12. I think school might be starting tomorrow...

    So maybe its an early night for the Darnell Haters...

  13. Its getting a bit too easy lol

  14. No, I still don't like Darnell, never have, never will.

  15. Sara is just playing at being Sara thats her ,shes fun and flirty ,A Great Housemate ,As for Darnell I have never seen anything to like about him ,Never hated, he just gets on my nerves ,

  16. yer i think soo from tonites show and it looks like sara just wants to get back with him as a m8

  17. I'm afraid I still don't like him anymore... all he is doing now is using Sara to try and salvage the situation in the hope of gaining back his 'mr nice, yet insecure' image back. It ain't going to work.

    Darnell and Sara are using each other so are therefore as bad as each other.  

  18. How can ANYBODY defend Rex and Darnell's behaviour?

    When I witness two grown men gang up to torment and verbally abuse a slightly-built, even frail, young woman - an Australian guest in our country visiting from overseas - and see them intensify the violence despite being asked repeatedly by their victim to stop it and to leave her alone well I for one have got a REAL problem with that.

    How can anybody seriously apportion blame for that torture on Sara the victim? Are you apologists for these bullies in your right minds?

    Sara is a flirt but so what? The girl is a free spirit with complete sovereignty over her own mind and body. She flirted with Darnell. She flirted with Stu. She even flirted with Lisa for God’s sake! So what gives Darnell the right to feel possessive when she transfers her attention from him to other people in the house? Darnell and Sara weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend - certainly not lovers - the two of them were only acquaintances really, hardly friends. How ridiculous for Darnell to think that “something special” existed between them after so short a time. Remember, we are talking about a twenty six year old man here, not some callow thirteen year old boy barely into the first phase of male puberty.

    Throughout the series Darnell has worn a shirt emblazoned with the maxim: "Don't label me, respect me." But how can anyone respect him when he patently has so little self-respect for himself and hardly any more for other people when lost in the shadow of his own self-inflicted misery? Until he is willing risk being hurt how can he love anyone or be loved by anyone? Only the dead feel no pain at all and as he is Darnell seems to me to be half-dead himself.

    Sara is what she is and it isn't terrible.

    Darnell is what he is and it's pathetic.

    I don't hate Darnell but I find him pitiful.

    The guy would have to climb up a stepladder to reach manhood.

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