
Has the Democratic party splintered???

by  |  earlier

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It seems the priority of many is not what or who is best for the country, but rather what the gender of that person might be. Perhaps those voters who were voting based on gender alone, as it seems many of Clinton's supporters were, ought to start their own little splinter party: CLINTONOCRATS!

I was a supporter of Clinton and would have liked to seen her get the VP spot. But I refuse to let my frustration hold be back from voting for the team that I believe will make this country, and world, a better place!

OBAMA/BIDEN '08!!!!!!!




  1. I don't thinks. The Party will come back together after the convention, because Obama is infinitely superior to McCain

  2. I don't know if Obama has a boat or even been on one.  Biden is from Delaware and I am sure has been boating.

    Glad you are expressing your feelings,

    We live in the great nation in the world, and yes some things could be better.  Maybe you could still write in Clinton. (Hillary that is )

    Good Luck - VOTE Safe ! !

  3. best thing for the McCain ticket is for the democrats to keep fighting among the party.  

    Go  Clinton! - that is what Rush said!

  4. It is OK... Don't fret over it... We understand...

    And we will forgive you...

    Provided of course, you can tell us what the real, true, definition of "is" is.

  5. Go campaign some where else this is not a political blog

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