
Has the Disney Jonas product reached critical mass?

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Can Disney possible market them in a way that can attract more fans or is it all down hill from here.

How many "mistakes" will it take for the product to bottom out?

If the Jonas product records a song that is too cheesy or dates a person who is not famous will it effect product sales negatively enough to end the product life cycle?

What effect would a bad hair decision by one or more of the product members have on product sales?

When will Disney decide it is no longer profitable to promote this line of product?




  1. Yo Who The h**l r the Jonas Brothers?

  2. I kinda feel bad for them.

    They are going to suffer the same fate every band like them as.

    Fade out.

    Burn Out


    Their fans will grow up and move on to better music.

    And they won't be marketable as 'look good guy band' anymore, they won't make it on the little musical talent.

  3. The funny thing is, Disney originally built their empire on silly, mindless, pointless cartoons.  If the fans could begin to fathom what that said for the Jonas Brothers it would have been over before it even started!

  4. nope! the JONAS BROTHERS WILL BE WITH US FOREVER! i can feel it they are different!

  5. Like what happens to most teenagers (including The Jonas Brothers and their fans) they'll all grow up.

    The Jonas Brothers will get old, literally. When that happens, they'll loose almost half of their fan base because (as much as fans hate to admit it) they are infatuated by them. After their looks are gone, they will be forgotten.

    The fans, will (hopefully) find other music to listen to, and most will realize that the world doesn't revolve around 3 guys playing guitars and singing in a band.

    Then Disney finds the next big thing...

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