
Has the GOP ever attacked a candidates child?

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Both Rush Limbaugh and John McCain attacked Chelsea Clinton

And I hope that nobody EVER forgets what Bush/Rove did in 2000 by attacking John McCain's adopted Black daughter

Both Barack Obama and John McCain are correct in trying to temper their overzealous supporters.But, Don't let the GOP lie to you that they have never been guilty of attacking a child.




  1. Their supporters certainly have.  In fact, I've seen many a ignorant post railing against Obama's daughters, ages 10 and 7, right here on THIS site.

  2. I wonder how many times a Republican has to be called a hypocrite before they actually look it up and find out what it means.  

  3. How couls saying Obama's oldest daughter is pregnant by her daddy be a slur.

  4. After Karl Rove proved in 2000/2004 that n**i's tactics 'Lie more something will stick' works, it is now became a standard GOP election strategy.

  5. That is like saying, 'hey, Hitler killed 7 million, I've only killed one'.

    That's a weak defensive argument in regards to what they are doing to Palin's kid..

  6. Not true, pure myth and legend.

    Now, after this incident, Rush swore off mentioning Chelsea on his show ever again (at least in a negative way and unless Chelsea made a bit of news that was too big not to be mentioned). Rush certainly did NOT go on about Chelsea for a second time in 1993 to compare her to a dog! That quote is phony. It was invented out of the mind of columnist Molly Ivins. (in a Arizona Republic 10/17/93 article which is why some people are putting that fictious quote in 1993)

  7. Let's see Amy Carter, Ron Reagan Jr., Chelsea Clinton...I could go on.  Most of the posts on here about Bristol are from conservative trolls posing as liberals.

  8. Very true.  And most of us are not really "attacking" Palin's daughter, but neither do we admire her.  We are attacking her mother's extreme views on a variety of subjects including s*x education.

  9. perfect post !!

  10. Sorry, but logically, the fact that Rush and McCain told a joke about Chelsea does not make it an "attack" like we've seen on Palin regarding her daughter.

    And regarding the anonymous push poll in South Carolina in 2000, nobody knows, to this day, who was behind it. So, your claim that is was Bush and Rove is not based on any evidence. And, if you ask, the vast majority of Republicans would denounce such tactics. Besides, it was more an attack on McCain, that he fathered an illegitimate child of color, it was not an attack on the child.

    So while these instances are deplorable, they still fall far, far short of the meanness and nastiness the left-wing has shown towards either Bristol Palin or even the Bush daughters, which were direct attacks on the daughters' characters as well as the parents.

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