
Has the Government got a secret housing agenda?

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Where I live there are a lot of English families who have been waiting years for decent council accommodation. I know of two families (both English and in full time work) who have been waiting over 5 years to be housed.

Over the last year the council have housed about 9 African families in our street and 3 unmarried single mums. Where did they get the available accommodation from suddenly? It doesn't make sense! Hard working families who've paid taxes all their life don't seem to get a look in.

Is there a secret government plot to house as many immigrants here as they can? What's going on?




  1. 1) Local authorities not Government deal with housing

    2) The basis is need, not s*x or race (e.g. someone in worse housing may get priority)

    3) Those 'Africans' may well be UK citizens

  2. America is politically, economically, and socially engineered, so I'd say so.  

  3. I can't really speak for what your present council policy is. However, when I was a child and used to live in a council estate; there was a council policy for my particular road in that if a particular house became vacant, it was given to an unmarried mother. The street eventually became full of unmarried mothers. This may have been because there were three schools (lower, middle and upper) + nursery all within walking distance, as well as local shops.

  4. People are housed due to need, not to nationality.  

  5. How do you know that these people havn't been on the waiting list just as long, if not longer, than the two famalies you know.

    It's probably something to do with them working full time. Where I live people are told if they want a priority council house, they can only work 20 hours a week, otherwise they're shoved to the back of a 5-10 year waiting list. So whilst people try to work and make money for themselves, the council is telling them to work less???

    And these 9 african famalies, they are immigrants, and so pay taxes on whatever they earn, so are just as entitled to a house as you are. They may be just as hard working as anyone else.

  6. I can see where the questioner is coming from here!The hard fact is!  This Labour Government has no hardline policy to tackle the problem!

    The main policy appears to pander to the Student Unions and the pressure groups led by the likes of Tony Juniper and Shami Chakrabarti!

    This Labour Party has ceased to represent the ordinary British worker !But has gravitated towards the ethnic minorities where they hope to secure there support!

    What we are witnessing is an inept government fumbling into one crisis after another!Bereft of any sensible solutions!

    To think of it; I was once a Labour voter for 50 years!Not now!I have learned my lesson!

  7. What's secret about it?

  8. The agenda at the moment is to repossess as many houses as possible and throw millions onto the street. They won't be able to get council accommodation due to the number of illegal immigrants occupying them. If you work hard and pay your taxes then this government s***s on you from a great height.

  9. Thats not all though, Get yourslef a translator and ask the africans where they got their furniture, white goods and tv from. I have been told by a relliable source that these goods are provided for immigrants/ asylum seekers free of charge. The local authourity have a budget to provide these essentials for them. I know of only one way to circumvent this grosley unfair system. That is to go no fixed address with a child under the age of 5 years.

  10. The allocation is based on need, therefore if a family is working hard to acheive, they automatically hinder themselves according to council rules.

    Its a joke.

    Families who have contributed for generations lose out to nationals, albeit in need, from countries where they have abdicated their social responsibility and drive around in gold Rolls Royces whilst their people starve.

    Why are the working class in Britain expected to share their resources with the flotsam of the world?

    Simple humanitarianism has brought us to a position where the worlds needy now demand a share of our resources and decry our attempts to provide for our own.

    If its right that Britain shares, then why hasn't the government made extra provision to account for this need, its not like its a new problem.

    The needs of Britains poor hasn't risen, and the arrival of the world's needy isn't new, it is a simple matter of maths.

    Provide for the people of this country and provide extra for the people not of this country, and if there isn't enough to go around.....prioritise.

  11. Stealth policies of discrimination against indigenous westerners  is happening in many different  ways the world over, which indicates that it is a New World Order agenda.

    Some believe the Zionist banking dynasties want to destroy the identity and cohesion in every gentile nation. They are using their massive influence in media , Freemasonry finance, Government etc and through shady organizations like in the case of Britain "Common Purpose"   to achieve this.

  12. Immigrants or asylum seekers? Did you ask? Because it does not appear that you know why understanding the difference would answer your question. In fact, just like the person below me who writes about, "immigrants/asylum seekers", as if the two are one and the same thing.

  13. I do find it irritating that when people come here claiming to refugees they demand and get the best of everything. It is time that those who purport to govern us realised and said that whilst no one wants to see them naked or staving we actually owe them nothing.

    The case that springs to mind is that during the horrible Serbian war some of these poor people came to Liverpool. The food that they were supplied with was of a quality I could not afford and I was in full time employment. Again I had no wish to see them getting poor quality stuff but, come on mow. The relief worker I was speaking to very reluctantly agreed and was upset that some people in the city had to make very hard choices. Food or clothing or heating even then because they were falling between two or more stools in the benefit system. Again the politically correct mob will serve anyone but those born to British families in our country, and accuse anyone who says anything in protest of sympathy the rightly hated BNP

    So in answer to your question yes

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