
Has the Military ever added anything to the food of military personal to curb the male s*x drive ?

by  |  earlier

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I believe this is only a joke




  1. This is TOTAL HOOEY!!!!!!!!!!!   I'm third generation USN, my grampa was a cook... and between the three of us we have over 75 years of service.... and all were CPO or higher....   IT NEVER HAPPENS IN THE NAVY!!!

  2. NO / The stress and being tired in basic is what does it.


  3. You have never been the military I see.

  4. I heard the jokes too when I went through basic 10 years ago.  It started for us when someone made the off hand comment that they had not had an erection in a month.  Inevitably someone who knows it all will chime in with saltpeter.  I don't think so.  You just have so much other c**p on your mind you don't think about the fairer s*x.

  5. It is rumored the United States Navy uses "Salt Peder" in the food to curb sexual desire while the men are at sea.  Many times, these cruises can last for months, with no land in sight.  But I can neither confirm or deny this rumor.

    I was in the Navy for 6 years, and served at sea for 3 of those six.  

  6. I would have to say after knowing a few Marines


  7. Even when I was in, someone had put potassium nitrate into the food which renders the males impotent for about a month or longer.  They closed down the third battalion mess hall for a week till they got it all cleaned out.

  8. If this is a joke, it's not a funny one.  

  9. No. It's some old rumor.

    Visit any strip club in San Diego and it will remove any doubt.

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