
Has the Queen ever been arrested? Or held in a detention dungeon?

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Has the Queen ever been arrested? Or held in a detention dungeon?




  1. No,

  2. No, but I read once that she got stopped for speeding.

  3. no

  4. errr i don't think so lol

  5. No. Presuming you mean the Monarch of UK, think you'll find that under UK law, She cannot commit a crime whilst in her territories, therefore cannot be arrested.There are other exemptions too but can't think of them at the moment.

  6. DON'T think so

  7. Which Queen? Of where? When?

    Queen Elizabeth II of England - no.

    Queen Elizabeth I of England - yes, arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London (amongst other places) - before she was crowned Queen, mind you...

    Lady Jane Grey - technically the Queen of England for nine days before she was arrested and eventually executed - yes.

    Other Queens - almost certainly, yes, but I don't know the history of the monarchies of every country in the world!

  8. No, if so she'd lose her monarchial rights.

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