
Has the Republican Party turned against science?

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The current Republican President, the Republican Presidential candidate, and the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate all want biology classes to waste their valuable time preaching Creationism. In the war between science and superstition, the sides are now clearly drawn. Because I like free markets and limited government, I used to vote Republican. But never again.




  1. Yes.

    In case you missed that, it was "yes".

    Crooks and liars...

  2. Some people are very slow to get it.  The behind the scenes leaders of the Republican National Convention pick the candidates and the candidates positions on issues.  ALL of the behind the scenes leaders of the Republican National Convention are major stock holders in international oil AND members of John Hagee's Evangelical society.  There is no such thing as the Republican party pre-1998.  It has been hijacked and is under the control of billionaire whack-jobs.

  3. Just don't call it "creationist superstition" Ray.  Many people "Believe in" it, and insulting the other side never wins the argument.

    Simply point out that "Creationism," and even "Intelligent Design" IS NOT SCIENCE.  Science is based upon the scientific method -- that is, there's a TESTABLE hypothesis presented, and counterexamples to the hypothesis are sought through tests.  "God created the universe" is not testable whatsoever, and therefore it is not science.

    Likewise "the earth is 6000 years old because the bible lists every person alive from Adam to Jesus and lists some of their ages" is also not testable.  We can talk about carbon dating and the flaw therein, and we can talk about processes extrapolated from data observed, and we can talk about criticisms of those data and extrapolations, but saying "God did it and that's the end of the story" isn't scientifically helpful.  THAT is why ntelligent design or creationism shouldn't be taught.

  4. I laughed when I read your initial question.  I totally agree with you.  If parents want to teach creationism they can do it at home or at church.  I would be very frusterated to go into a "science class" and waste my time debating an actually scientific theory and a religious theory.

    Wow, if this kind of thing happens we will have our children abilities drop even lower in science.  Which is already a problem in this country. But apparently not an issue that the currently republican nominees are concerned about.

    Oh, and I am also a proponant of free market but it doesn't seem to be an issue that the current republican party is focusing on as much anymore either.  

  5. They would flog their own Grandmothers

  6. They're pandering to their base . . . and they've decided that they want they're base to be crazy fundamentalists. It's a shame, really. Sacrificing American education and threatening our scientific and technological edge for the sake of keeping political power. They're hurting the country for their own selfish and greedy purposes. I don't even think they buy their own hype when it comes to the ID crowd . . . well, except Palin. I'm sure she believes it. She's batshit insane. Picking here for a running mate has made me lose almost all the respect I had for McCain.

  7. The problem is, Reginamichelle, there is solid scientific evidence to support that so-called garbage, so it should be no problem teaching it as science. Scientific evidence for creationism is myth and does not belong in any science class. Republicans and the religion they tout genuinely have caused me to worry about the intelligence and sanity of the United States ever since G.W. Bush took office. The prospect of Sarah Palin ever becoming president is genuinely terrifying!

  8. It seems the Libertarians have lost the fight for the Republican party.... And the fight for the Libertarian party for that matter!!! Look at Bob Barr.  

  9. There is nothing about Republicans OR Religion that are against science.

  10. I agree. I was never interested in politics as much until they brought religious old G. W. into town. Creationists? Seriously? It's EMBARASSING to our country.


  12. Just because the republican party has better morals than the Democrats, doesnt mean they turn away from all science. God and Science go together..

    However, God/creation and Evolution science do not.

  13. Please....

    Where is your source???

    Thank you.

  14. It's too bad the president really has no bearing on what is or is not taught in schools, eh?

  15. The Republican party lost it a looooong time ago and it wasn't exactly when they gave up science but when they went on the take with corporate America

  16. Can you please cite your source that the Republican party candidates want biology classes to "preach Creationism"?

  17. I as a Christian don't think your classes should be put into my childrens head about how we "Evolved" from monkey or Big bang or whatever c**p you people choose to believe in.  Amazes me that it's ok to teach your theories in class but not the Christian theories.  My opinion is take it all out of classes and let the parents teach that at home.

    So before you get on your mighty horse about your teachings and belief why don't you for a change think about how we feel about having our childrens' head filled with all your garbage?

    Love in Christ,


  18. I'm used to it. They want Christianity taught but not the other religions. Let them do it. I bet it backfires in their faces. I'd laugh my butt off in science class if they taught it. I'd have my hand up most of class asking questions about the details. Let them open their mouths to show their foolishness.

  19. It is simply not true that McCain rejects evolution, that was Mike Huckabee.

  20. If science does not agree with the God of the Bible in what the Bible records, then it is science that is mistaken.  

  21. Your question is arrogant and presumptuous.  Just how do you know that your personally pre-biased perspective is correct?  I mean, for instance, have you actually travelled the length, breadth and depth of the universe to seek out an Intelligent Designer (i.e. God)?  Just how long HAVE you spent seeking and searching?  1 billion years?  2 billion?  

    Here's a little physics lesson for you:

    A neutrino is the smallest particle known to man. It has zero mass and zero charge. It is expelled from a sub-atomic particle (proton, neutron, etc) when energy strikes that particle, and it exists only until it is reabsorbed by another sub-atomic particle. If this occurs within the nucleus of the atom, it may exist perhaps a billionth of a second.

    Now then, for the sake of argument, if a neutrino is expelled from a proton in the nucleus of an atom within a molecule within your brain, and, for the sake of argument, within the billionth of a second of it's meager life span (which, again, for the sake of argument, to the neutrino may, relatively speaking, feel like a full lifetime), if within that billionth of a second it declares that YOU don't exist (and one last time, for the sake of argument, somehow you were actually able to "hear" this neutrino and understand what it was saying), then you would laugh at this foolish little neutrino and call it arrogant and presumptuous.

    In the same way, when YOU, a measly little finite, temporal creature that is so small that you can only be compared to a neutrino, the neutrino is actually a million times bigger in comparison, whose life span is but a breath that is here and then gone, then when you say there is no God, that is just like the neutrino saying that YOU don't exist. It is, at BEST, arrogant and presumptuous.

    It's not God who doesn't exist, it's YOU who don't exist!  God is infinite and eternal.  You are less than a speck, less than a blink of the eye!

    Don't assume you know so much that you can state categorically that the infinite and eternal God doesn't exist!

  22. ..but they don't mention teaching Intelligent Falling alongside gravitation. A bit picky aren't they? Gravity is as much of a theory as evolution.

    Maybe there is a case to teach unintelligent design. Dubya would at least get a mention...

  23. Without doubt. This article from the latest Mother Jones is pretty interesting.

  24. Apparently.

    There's something I don't understand. When I went to school we weren't taught Creationism. Yet, I believe in God, as do many others. It seems to me we knew the difference(s) and made our choice without the school saying anything about it. Has something changed?

    This Christian wishes politicians would stick to governing her country with concern for more important issues and leave religion out of politics and state - completely.

  25. My dumb *** alert is sounding....i better leave fast..

  26. The Republican party has been pandering for the right wing vote for years. The only way they have been staying viable is by adopting more and more of the religious rights goals.

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