
Has the Ron Paul campaign changed your opinion on politics and encouraged you to run for office in the future?

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It has me.

I used to be so jaded with politics because now, Red vs. Blue is just two sides to the same worthless coin, but the Campaign for Liberty has re-energized me.

Has it motivated you as well? I'm now very interested in starting a private charity and maybe running for office in the future.

What are you going to do for the campaign for liberty?




  1. It encouraged me to run as Republican PCO. Ron Paul didn't stand a chance because of all the corruption in the Republican Party, even at the local level. They were going to do everything in their power to ensure he did not win the nomination. It's going to take regular people like us to change things for the better in the future. I am disappointed how the Republican Party reacted to Ron Paul, but it has also motivated me to get more involved so we will have a better chance at getting decent candidates elected in the future.

  2. Do it, Sister! It has made me realize the falsehoods of the "two parties" (read: one party).

    I'm not sure if I'll run for office but I know plenty of local & state-level polititicians and most - if not all - have my respect. On the national level, there seems to be an impenetrable wall of a detachment between those "we" elect and "we" who elect them.

    Well, as long as you keep the Constitution first, correcting the mistakes of government second and your own glory last, you have my vote.


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