
Has the U.S. Congress become the "Ruling Class" that the Founding Fathers sought to avoid?

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Do you think that these people live by the same rules you and I do? Do they earn the salaries and perks that they vote themselves? Should they be limited to 2 terms?




  1. Yes and No. They do tend to set rules for themselves which are different than the laws they impose on the populace. Such as opting out of Social Security in favor of their own personal "Golden Parachute" pension plan. However, at the same time many of them are just puppets. The real puppet masters, or ruling class if you prefer are the special interest groups they cater to. I am for term limits because I believe that long term access to power breeds corruption. However, can we really blame the Congress. The simple fact is that the majority of the country does not vote and we are really responsible for the continued destructive patterns in our leadership.

  2. The Politicians such as Pelosi and Reid YES, there are "some good Politicians" out there that have been on our side, the legal American Peoples side, and our Country.

  3. Yes, no, no (key word, "earn"), and no.

    They should be limited to one term.  

    In fact, I'd favor a Constitutional Amendment that limits each individual to a single term of a federally elected office in their entire lives. Serve a term as Congressman? Forever ineligible to be President.  

    ** rukidden, you are mistaken about the purpose of the EC.  It wasn't to maintain the power of a group of elites, it was to prevent a small number of urban areas from overpowering the rural areas, still a valid concern today.

  4. Yes , Yes, and Yes!!!!!!!! I also feel when one is corrupt they should be executed!!!!!

  5. The Founding Fathers were the ruling class! They didn't try to avoid having the "ruling class" in charge! That's why they invented the Electoral College.  

  6. The majority of Democrats see themselves as the ruling class, they destroy anyone who tries to removing them from power.

    problem is, some republicans think the same thing.

    some politicians think the public wants them to get along when we really want them to fight...

  7.   Yes. they definitely treat themselves as the ruling class ... Term limits would be a great idea.

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