
Has the U.S. Government ever banned any segments or replay of 9-11-01 footage as it was aired?

by Guest44695  |  earlier

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I've read on a few internet sites and on ebay listings that sell footage of 9-11-01 as recorded by people's vcrs that day...and they keep saying...'watch what the government has banned'. Is any actual footage that appeared live on that day, not being allowed to be re shown to the public?




  1. It would be illegal for the U.S. government to "ban" any footage of anything. That would be a violation of both the free speech and free press clauses of the First Amendment.

  2. They haven't banned any footage but most outlets no longer show the footage of people jumping to their deaths and few show the actual plane impacts.  

    All this footage is easily available online.

  3. Absolutely. I remember the news coverage that day. Every single news channel was saying the same thing. There were many explosions seen and heard after the planes hit. Every news caster was saying it looked like controlled demolition when the buildings came down. Then the next day Bush said none of the news footage from the day of 9/11 would be shown again cause it was too painful. I think the sheeple who have their blind trust in this corrupt government need to see the news footage from that day.

    There is also the plane that supposedly crashed the pentagon. The FBI was quick to confiscate the majority of tapes, and in spite of the fact that the Pentagon has so many cameras on it, they still can't show a plane going into that building.

    As for the plane over PA, that supposedly crashed. The news was very vague on this cause it was so suspicious. Witness had reported a military AC in the area at the time that plane went down but those witness accounts were suppressed.

  4. No, they haven't.

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