
Has the U.S. reached to a recession?

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Has the U.S. reached to a recession?




  1. we're screwed.

    my parents are about to use my college money to pay for gas!!!

    thats freakin ridiculous!!

    what happened to the good old days when gas was 99 cents and milk was only a dollar.

    its cheaper to fedex yourself than to drive!!! lol..

  2. Yes . whether it's official or not , most Americans are feeling it.

  3. The National Bureau of Economic Research is the official outfit that announces whether we have reached a recession or not.

    To date, NBER has not made the announcement.

    Then again, by the time NBER typically announces a recession, we are already well underway into it.

  4. growth for the ast quarter was less than 1%, so techinaccly, the economy is still growing (but inflation is higher than growth, so its a matter of time). a recession is when the economy shrinks, as opposed to grows.

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