
Has the US ever historically had a president that was closer to a dictatorship than GWB's regime?

by Guest63170  |  earlier

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Has the US ever historically had a president that was closer to a dictatorship than GWB's regime?




  1. No ,,, none that know had as much talk over the media ( that is out of his control ) would have as much as what his background in anything that was not a ''itemized '' knowledgement of a complement. The man was under a leadership and that what he was trained to know by the U.S... I think even his actual Commander was on TV once .

    My problem was the factual use of the name God was more put forth ?

  2. Can you say FDR? He was given virtually dictatorial powers on his promise to bring the country out of the Great Depression. He also spent more time as president than anyone before, or who now can.

  3. Technically, yes; Abraham Lincoln.

    During President Lincoln's adminstration, indeed throughout the Civil War, the writ of Habeus Corpus was suspended, martial law was in place, and many of his time portaryed him as a power hungry man who wanted to rule with an iron fist.  History debunked that last theory.

  4. GWB's administration isn't even close - you obviously have never been in a country that was ruled by a dictatorship.  If you had, you wouldn't come up with such BS.

  5. Yes the Clinton administration, the sheep followed all the way into a recession that President Bush was able to thwart and make the US prosperous until the Democrats were elected the majority in congress and set out to destroy the economy in an attempt to gain political advantage.!!

  6. Abraham Lincoln was far more dictatorial... Also, the United States during WW1 made criticizing the government a crime with the Sedition Acts....

  7. If you had bothered to stay awake in your history classes you would know that President Bush is nowhere close to being a dictator.

    Funny how the same liberals who love Castro and Chavez make accusations against our current President based on nothing more than ignorant partisan hatred.

  8. Bush is the President of the Corporate US Government. Our Republic is not represented by the Corporate US Government but our Republic is controlled by the Corporate US Government  All agencies of the Corporate US Government are sub-corporations to the Corporate US Government. The Corporate US Government is commerce. An example, Corporate US Government Department of Justice does not administrate our Constitutional law. Corporate US Government Department of Justice administers Admiralty LAW (commerce). The American people must be educated to these stated facts. The American Citizens must take control of their Republic and structure a Government by, We The People.

  9. There were 2 presidents who were much closer that I can think of. First was Andrew Jackson. Second was Franklin Roosevelt. I am not aware of others, though you will here southerners claim Lincoln was a dictator, but they say that out of bitterness.

  10. Bush is the worst President by far, he treated his title more like a monarchy. To h**l with that b*****d, he should be put in jail, along with Rice, and Cheney

  11. Time to look up the definition of the word 'dictatorship', Binky.

    Oh, and start with the simplest definition as it's all you'll need and all you'll understand.

  12. No- this has all of the elements of a facist dictatorship including control of the media, the "executive signing statements" where Bush just ignores the laws, he has defeated the other two branches of government, and pulled off a bloodless coup, raping the constitution which he pledged on the bible (a joke for him) to uphold. He is the most sinister of all characters in american history and has done more damage to this country and its people than any foreign or domestic figure in history. Who would have predicted that such an obviously unintelligent character could pull this off. Two words=stupid americans.

  13. ya what manda said  :^)

    directo just gave me something new to think about ..he has a point

  14. The real massive different between GWB and other presidents that expanded their power in past lies in his ability to avoid punishment from his action/inaction, GWB controlled the media so much so that he is confident he'll pass through all the atrocities he committed scotch free.

    While Abe suspended Habeas Corpus, we definitely can see the threat to the nation presented in the Civil War. GWB's suspension of Habeas Corpus was on a threat of terrorisme that he himself invented.

    Sure there was 9/11 which arguably only can happen either by Government letting it happen or Government agencies so incompetent that something like that could happen (which GWB then awarded the head of CIA George Tenet, medal for his incompetency which lead to the suspicion of the first theory).

    But the threat of terrorisme in general has always been there, but never blown out of proportion the way GWB has done with this media cronies, not to mention he is the one that actually made the threat real by providing the fertile breeding ground for it in Iraq (If GWB is serious about Iraq, will he send Paul Bremer whose qualification was basically just Cherkov's mate as Iraq's viceroy, which lead to the whole Iraq disaster.....and Paul Bremer getting medal from GWB)

    Moreover, Never has any other American President used mercenaries to actually control American population. If anything, Katrina and the way government deal with it is an experiment to see how far Americans will let thing slip down.

    Having Blackwater mercenaries deployed there instead of National Guard is unheard of before in US history and a cause to worry.

    Moreover, lots of his Presidential Orders are very questionable, although Presidential Executive Orders in US have very questionable legitimacy, the fact that GWB try to put down those Orders should be a big concern for US citizens.

    In one of the Orders listed as the source here, GWB basically say he has the right to seize properties of anyone he deemed as posing a risk to Iraq stability

    And for those who answered you never lived under dictatorship otherwise you'll be missing, then you missed the whole point.

    He tried to gain as much power as he can, and if the citizens are all like you and say.....ohhh he's not that bad yet (because he's Republican) then by all means what are you waiting for? Until America is ruled by someone wielding power like PRESIDENT Suharto of Indonesia? or PRESIDENT Mugabe?

    For the sake of sanity people, can't you see past Fox's fake news and for once think for yourself?

    Do you really want guns for hire to replace the National Guard when dealing a crisis in your town? Because that's exactly what this president did.

    Do you really want a guy whose qualification is to do with Horce race (Brownie of FEMA) to manage help when you're in crisis

    Or are you one of those that follow and believe you have to be able to take care of yourself and not letting government interfere? Because the same people that spew that propaganda on media are the ones THAT HAVE PRIVATE PHONE NUMBERS OF YOUR SENATORS OR REPRESENTATIVES. they are the ones that will dial the GOVERNMENT phones to sort stuffs continually, so please WAKE UP!!!!!

  15. Please stop your uninformed hate pandering.  If Bush was even close to being a dictator, you would be missing right now.  Think about it.  With the dems talking about nationalizing the oil industry, if Obama wins you may just see what a dictator can do.

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