
Has the US military won or lost in the Iraq conflict?

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  1. I don't remember what they were sent to do there anymore...

    Find and destroy WMDs...LOST

    Put an end to terrorism...LOST

    I think those were the main reasons for us going to war (at least that's what we were told), yet I don't really see either of them accomplished. I do think that our military has done a good job, and I'm proud of them for doing what they are told to do, but I am sad that thousands of lives have been lost in the process. On the positive side, a friend of mine is on his second tour in Iraq right now, and he says that the country seems much more peaceful now than it was the first time he was over there, so I think that would be a good thing. However, I still feel that we were very mislead about the purpose of this war, and I feel that it would be impossible to ever say that this war was won.  

  2. The politicians will not allow the military to win. We have seen this before. And we know the democrats in congress could end it next week if they wanted to. But they would rather use the soldiers lives for cheap political gain. Same as they did way back when.

  3. I think that we have won and are now trying to help them put a government in place, establish a military and police.  It is complicated by the situation that has always existed in Iraq and the infusion of outside terrorist groups.  We can stay forever and there will never be total peace in the region.  Sooner or later, we have to let them try on their own.  We need to set a time line to remove our troops that does not endanger our troops or the people of Iraq,

    We will have a military presence of some kind in Iraq for years, but it will not be in the numbers and strength it is now.

  4. Lost. Its bribing insurgents/resistant fighters calling it the surge.

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