
Has the US "nanny state" turned Americans into a bunch <span title="of.....................................................">of..........................</span>

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overweight, lazy, whiners, who would rather cry to Govt for their problems than try to fix them themselves?




  1. Some Americans are OK while others are pathetic creatures

  2. depending on whom you associate with yes..just go make friends at a gym or a bookstore somewhere other than a mall or fast food joint and i am sure you can stay clear of the lazy whiners.

  3. Yes, look at the losers in Congress and the Senate that have been elected according to who gives away the most stuff. Disgusting.

  4. As long as government programs are available for the taking, many will abuse them. Working class Americans must stand against the appeasement mentality of congress and contact their elected officials (much like they did against &quot;The Shamnesty&quot; bill). There should be more emphasis on training and job placement rather than mindless hand-outs to those who refuse to work.

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