
Has the USA been on the "right side" of a war in the last fifty years?

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Has the USA been on the "right side" of a war in the last fifty years?




  1. Cannot think of one. Switzerland has the right idea. Eisenhower was so right about how the military industrial complex (MIC) must be watched, instead of the other way around like today.

    Defend the borders and keep out of everything else. No alliances, no deals.

  2. Totally irrelevant. We are here. Like it or not, you can't change history.

  3. the War in Afghanistan.

    @thomassr    ... how long ago do you think ww2 was?

  4. Yes

  5. Yes

    We've fought communism, fascism, despotism, and terrorism....

    all of which contribute to the degradation of mankind.

    The real question is...where have you been for the last fifty years?

  6. Every War we've been involved in.

    What a retarded question.  Hasn't this been talked to death?  Get a new liberal talking point out of the playbook please.

  7. Yes, in the former Yugoslavia (1990s)

    Thomas Sr forgets that the Russian had a lot more to do with Germany's defeat than we did in WW2

  8. Not that I am aware of, and I am 65+ years old so I can remember what happened 50 years ago.

  9. No.  

    The Europeans should have been left to face the Soviet threat alone.

    If the Korean penninsula were united under communism, we would not be competeing with the South in the Market today.

    Indo China should have been left to the Chinese and Vietnamese communists.

    Manuel Noreiga was a good CIA asset and should have been left in power.

    Our students in Grenada were intruders and disturbing Cuba's hegemony in the Carib.

    Iraqi Kurds were fine with mass graves. It was much more organized then.  To make an omlette, you need to break some eggs.

    Out of Afghanistan, let the Taliban take Pakistan too. It's India's problem, not ours.

    Taiwan is the 23rd Province of China.  Let them have it.  If the Taiwanese get oppressed for awhile, the Cantonese will get a rest.

    Edit:  OOppps, almost forgot the Balkans.  Never should have got involved there either.  There would be a lot less Muslims to worry about if we had stayed home and watched the Europeans 'discuss' the matter to death.

  10. Not if you side with mass murdering dictators.

  11. Wars against Islamic terroism.... check

    Wars against communist expansion..... check

    War against n**i domination......check

    Good thing for the world we won all three.

  12. Have the Democrat lost all our wars in the last 50 years Yes

  13. its been on the side of a war all rite.

    1. went into iraq in search of bio-weapons n WMD ; got the oil security for another 10-15yrs. is it justified ? No n no one talks abt it

    2. went into afghan for bin laden ; empty handed till date. just managed to incite n include CANADA into this issue with Al- qaeda

    3.Nam- dont get me started.

    i salute the soldiers who fought for their lands but hate the politicians who use them as pawns.

  14. USA has been on the right side of every war.

    If by the right side you mean being against evil.

  15. Korea.. right side.

    Viet Nam.. right side.

    Iraq 1.. right side.

    Afghanistan.. right side.

    Iraq 2.. right side.

    So yes, certainly seems that we have.

    "Yes by the way the US did not come to Europes aid , Pearl Harbor was attacked Hitler had one of his mad moments and declared war on the US , so you didnt give a **** about Europe"

    Let's correct this misconception.  Japan attacked the US because it knew the US was soon to be at war with Germany.  Why?  Because the US was in complete breach of neutrality due to the massive amount of military aid it was providing Germany's enemies.

    Without that, Japan doesn't attack Pearl Harbor.  Because, as they knew at the time, they couldn't beat the US.  They were fighting for favorable terms, which they thought the US would seek rather than be involved in a 2 front war.

  16. we have been on the right side of the issue that caused the wars.

    living in freedom of tyranny,ownership of one's own property, freedom to worship,freedom to save money,and not having a government who refuses its people all of these,is a great thing.

    and other countries supported ALL of the times we were at war until theygave in to the left wingers who wanted to just CUT and RUN.

    like France did in Viet-Nam,and Spain did in Iraq.

  17. Yes by the way the US did not come to Europes aid , Pearl Harbor was attacked Hitler had one of his mad moments and declared war on the US , so you didnt give a **** about Europe  

  18. I am not too sure about the right side or the left side , but in Vietnam the USA ran away .......defeated and lost the war.

  19. NO because we lost both the Vietnam and Korean war

  20. The first Gulf War, Desert Storm, we were %100 right.

  21. Definitely.  But unevolved people who admire tyrants would see if differently.

  22. Well, there are a few disputes, obviously, but I'd say the Yugoslavian thing in the 90s was a benevolent action. A lot all come down to personal opinion. For example, Vietnam. Some would say the US was right to stand against the Vietcong, while some would say that it was wrong because the Vietcong got their way anyway, so all that was accomplished was a tremendous loss of life.

    Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

    Thomas SR, do you think before you post, or did you not learn math properly? What's 2008 minus 50? I think you'll find WWII had been over for 13 years at the start of our chosen period of history.

  23. Each and every one of them. Just ask the Europeans. They would all be speaking German now if it wasn't for the US.

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