
Has the USA offered a reward for finding Bin Laden?

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Has the USA offered a reward for finding Bin Laden?




  1. I don't know...but they should! It worked with Warren Jeffs, the Polygamist Cult leader

  2. Yeah, millions of dollars. I think it's on the FBI's website.

  3. Yeah... the amount has been reduced to like $10,000 or something...

    Bush said he's not that concerned about him... but the FBI is still interested (as are the American people).

  4. $25 million.  The problem is that he is likely dead.  The second problem is that anyone who tries to claim the money would have a fatwa issued on them and they'd have to live like Salmon Rushdie.

  5. It's above 20 million dollars. I have a hard time understanding why no one has attempted this. I mean someone not even in the government in these bad times should have tried even if it would be an insane idea.

  6. The Rewards For Justice Program, United States Department of State, is offering a reward of up to $25 million for information leading directly to the apprehension or conviction of Usama Bin Laden. An additional $2 million is being offered through a program developed and funded by the Airline Pilots Association and the Air Transport Association.

  7. Yes they have. Several million if i remember correctly.

  8. I know for a fact the reward was offered at the time of the initial invasion into Afghanistan.  I believe it was 5 million

    The problem is the people that surround him live in caves.  Really have no use for money

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