
Has the United States of America already lost it's super power status?

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Has the United States of America already lost it's super power status?




  1. besides all the nukes to destroy the world over 1000 times and a military that uses more than have of the country's money, the US's dollar is just paper and once the world decides that they can't support a fake currency and won't use it anymore, the props will fall and the reality is just a sham will reveal the powerlessness of the US, and you can thank Bush and his Illuminati friends.

  2. Nope. A superpower is one that has nuclear capabilities and world influence. We've still got a lot of both.  

  3. Yes, china owns us now, all they have to do is call in our debt and we are toast.

  4. Yes, if you listen to all the America haters. You won't hear the good that America does. We are the most generous and productive country in the world, but the left wants you to think we are evil.

  5. Some what and it worries me our big businesses are being run by China the price of gasoline and now our grocseries cost is high.and can we trust the food we buy.I can't help how i feel. I am a llttle scared that with all the forniers allowed to come to the States that the US citisens are going to be put on the back burner.The state is trying to get the americans off welfare and all of the forieners get all the help they need, I saw one driving a car and her lisence plate read Y O U  B O T  I T  what a slap in the face for the people who were born here.and have to fight to just get by. the more people the more crime.

  6. Yes, we are now ranked #5.  INDIA IS #4.  Of course no-one wants to admit it.  Like sticking their head in the sand is going to help.  

  7. but it did gained a "white" power status

  8. No, just its credibility under Bush.  The emperor has no clothes (neither does your avatar).

  9. Nope. The US has the most advanced weapons on earth , no military in the world can compare. That's why most fighting is gorilla type attacks.

  10. No.

  11. It's diminished ever so slightly in recent times, but it's still firmly number one.

  12. No. I agree that the number of countries that have negative opinions of America is on the rise. That being said, no country should ever govern based on opinions. That fact is all other countries can do nothing but complain and go to the UN to voice more complaints.  

  13. I thought it lost that when the central banking system was set up.

  14. No, not really. No one can really challenge our status right now.

  15. China is currently the world's economic superpower and we are currently building the worlds next communist military superpower thanks to our corporate leaders that have gained control of our country the last few years.

  16. Obama does not think we have lost our superpower status. He simply thinks we can adapt certain qualities that will make our "malfunctions" function not only better but Working As Designed. We all know that term, right? No big deal.

    America will never lose it's superpower status. The only change that might occur is if another country rose to superpower status 50 - 100 years from now.

    (Your thumbs down doesn't prove me wrong. It simply means you are opinionated.)

  17. No. But Obama thinks so! He thinks we are worse off than China.  

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