
Has the agent of change been hiding in the senate for the last 36 years?

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Ahhhh, very clever cuzziman! You got me!




  1. Well duh, can't you see all the radical awesome changes he has made all along the way... *snickers*  

  2. No in Alaska you'll find the most inexperienced, most unprepared, "gamble" of a leader.

  3. Yes.

    Here's a good one that you might appreciate; Obama's response to McCain's VP pick..."uh, uh,...uh".  LOL.  Now that's a Presidential response if I've ever heard one.

  4. John McCain, yes.

  5. If that's the case, why hasn't there been any?

  6. "Agent of Change", that's funny. The only "change" Joe Biden has done is going from bald to bad plugs.  He's a pompous blow hard.

  7. no

  8. No, in Alaska.

    When McCain croaks, I'm blaming his death on Palin.

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