
Has the bullying and abuse suffered by Sara made you like her more?

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I used to hate her but now I want her to win.




  1. bullying? abuse? suffered? people stop over reacting! darnell and rex were a little bit rude but she wasnt ABUSED for crying out loud she only got called an uglybitch its hardly the crime of the century ! people are so sensitive nowadays!

    calm the f*ck down

  2. I found that Sara was really annoying at first because I didn't like her desperation to be liked by everyone and thought she was being fake but as the show has gone on I grown to like her. Everyone else in the house was so bitchy, manipulative, and miserable but Sara and Lisa seemed to be the only ones that remained positive and cheerful.

    Watching what Sara went through I've grown to respect her because she tried so hard to be strong and despite the way she was treated by the others in the house not once did she slag any of them off, she merely stated that she did not like their behaviour towards her.

    Initially I had many favourites to win but now I despise everyone in that house except Sara. She is a genuinely nice but naive girl.

  3. It doesn't make me like her more, it makes me like the others (except Mikey ) less.

    Rex and Dranell are bullying but the rest (except Mikey) stay out of it because they are playing tactically.

  4. No it hasn't but I feel that she will win now that people feel sorry for her and BB wants her to earn the pounds for them.

  5. I've always liked Sara but i do think she's made a few errors in the past - she let things go too far with Darnell - he stepped over the boundary, but Sara shouldn't have let it go that far...

    Anyway i think Sara is the only one who deserves to win now b/c she has handled a lot of difficult verbal attacks on her character,  plus Kat and Rachel have sat there and condoned it by not speaking up and b/c it will teach the bullies a lesson....

    I don't think anyone who hasn't stood up for Sara desrves to win.

    So to answer your question - no it doesn't make me like her more - but if there's any justice in the BB world Sara should win   :  )  

  6. yea it has, i mean its true she s a bit S****y but she didn't deserve the harassment darnell and rex gave her, either sara cat mikey or Rachel to win!

  7. at first she used to irritate me, but she has grown on me.

    She has never done anything wrong,

    but has only got abuse from Rex and Darnell

    I think she is a good person; just a little naive.  

  8. Not really, she used Darnell big time!

  9. I would'nt say it made me like her more,it made me feel sorry for her.

  10. No.  Anyone watching it live now?  She is very pally with Rex and Darnell, lots of cuddles, sharing cigarettes etc.  Now if she was such a poor bullied victim, how come she is not frightened to be with them?   Or at least avoiding them?  It has all been blown out of proportion.  Mikey just stirred things up and made it much worse than it was.  He wasn't 'valiantly sticking up for her' as Davina said, he was making it worse.    

  11. No I still remember Sara as a sly little chain smoking c**k tease - latching onto people according to popularity.

    plus her voice goes right through me!!! Somebody buy that girl a box of Strepsils !!!!

    Rachel had received an equal amount of verbal abuse and I don't believe she courted favour for it !

    Darnell / Mickey / Kat  -  to win !!

  12. To be honest, I feel sorry for her, she even knows her oice is annoying, that really quite upsetting, for someone to know that they are that annoying, even when they speak? I think all the lads fancy her anyway, she IS an attractive women, not a model, but who is really?

    She seems quite a genuine person.

    I am glad Lisa and Sara are the ones who got the £25,000 each. I dont think any of the others will share that, apart from Rachel, and maybe Kat, only if they are together.

  13. Sorry but No. Wasn't keen on her before the 'bullying' and my opinion hasn't changed since.    

  14. no not  really  noone  should  win   just  for  sympathy  that goes for  all these  reality shows    BB should be  no different

  15. Yes! i agree with you. I wanted to jump into the screen and stick up for her, it made me so mad. I will be glad when it's over, then my blood pressure will go back to normal.SARA TO WIN. Then watch the faces of the 3 monkeys (rex.darnell,mo)..They will be evil...LOL!

  16. I



    Its obvious she is going to win, people are feeling sorry for her.

    But none of you can really see what she's like, she's smart.

  17. There is no doubt that the abuse she suffered was not acceptable but that should not be areason for her to win. Rachel put up with a lot of abuse for her video tape and she was able to put up with it. Rachel or mikey to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. ive always liked her but yeah it has made me like her more and respect her loads the way she coped with it all.sara to win :)

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