
Has the church of england lost its way?

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the church is splitting it self over g*y vickers when it should be

talking about the state of faith in this land




  1. No, still on track. Start line Henry VIII now (to misquote WENDEL above) it's pink knickers

  2. g*y vickers? Not when I worked there. However g*y members of the clergy is another tale.

  3. Clearly the church is in a sorry state if it denies g*y clergy men and women.

    The church is for the elderly, they gather have their tea, biscuits and songs and go off again.

    I'd be happy to see the church crumble to the ground.

  4. No... just a few pink vicars.

  5. Lost it's way?

    The little old ladies are still holding afternoon tea fundraisers to pay for restorations as far as I can tell.

    Is there supposed to be more?

  6. To be honest with you, I think they never found the way, let alone losing it.

    I agree - if a Church has any reason to be there it is to promote faith.

  7. the church has always had vicar's who are g*y it's just now that they can be openly g* in every walk of our society


    the police

    male nurses

    and on and on

  8. I'm reminded of a comic version of an old hymn, The Church's One Foundation,  I heard recently (from a member of the Anglican clergy, by the way)

    'Though with a solemn wonder, men see her sore oppressed,

    By schisms rent asunder, by sodomy obsessed...'

    Yes, I agree, as do many other Christians, this is a rather silly distraction.

    By the way, a Vickers was a machine gun as used by my father in a Swordfish biplane in WWII - and he never spoke about g*y machine guns, at least not to me!

  9. i think it should continue on its way to total disintegration  

  10. Doesnt the issue of g*y vicars reflect the state of faith though?

  11. Agreed, there are more important things to be worked up over.

  12. I have no problem with g*y couples. In church out of church in the work place.I have met and worked with many a devoted "couples" in my time and become very good friends. However I do not need the church to tell me what nature intended and that is evident in our very biological make up.However if someone cannot accept it then we should respect that too. I do not think the church has lost its way at all. Some may be surprised that many youngsters go to church and do good things to raise money whilst the church does much voluntary work too.How they will solve the problem of g*y vicars remains to be seen

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