
Has the end of real friendship between men ended in modern day life due to extreme homophobia?

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This is intended to be a debate type thing.

I just realize that most of the relationships in literature show really intense friendships between characters of the same gender, even if nothing sexual is intended. People, despite joking that they might be homosexual relationships, tend to get addicted to these books becasue they are missing the same type of 'intense friendship' (where you would sacrifice yourself for that person and can spend long times with them) in real life.

Has the media and the modern way of living destroyed any possibility of strong friendships that aren't seen by others and by the friends themselves to be homosexual? Is it the death of 'friendship'? Can people try and ignore the sexual stereotype and the homophobia they have?

Well Known Examples:

Sherlock Holmes and Watson

Frodo Baggins and Sam

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley

The children in the 'Dark is Rising' series






  1. I don't think so.  I think there are still strong relationships like that, but our day to day lives don't require us to lay down our lives or make many personal sacrifices for our friends.  Your examples are, of course, fictional characters in fictional worlds that present situations most people will never experience.

  2. It is probably true.  I listened to a co-worker of mine describe how he's going to require his son to take part in sports because ... his son would be labeled "g*y" by his classmates if he didn't participate in anything manly.  Of course, this is lame reasoning, but that type of fear-based rationale is definitely around.  And this guy resembled a stereotypical nerd more than a stereotypical jock.

    It's not an end to those classic friendships.  But it does seem like those types of relationships have been put on "pause" (at least in mainstream works) until our society grows tired of it's own stupidity.

  3. Love your friend as much as you want. Just don't care about what society has to say. They are often quite hypocritical themselves those type of people.  As far as I am concerned my friends are to me part of my family.

  4. We live in a world where we want /need constant stimulation.  Long term friendships take time, commitment ,  and the ability to care about someone else rather than ones self.  It means being there when it is not convenient for you, assisting them in any way possible, and being truly honest with a friend.  It means allowing them to do the same thing and not being resentful when they "butt in".   We also live in faster world, where people move more easily across country, change jobs, marry and divorce with greater frequency or just live together.  Those factors make forming long term friendships more difficult.

  5. No, it has not, but people's own paranoia has done that.

    And it's not that people are scared to be labeled "g*y", but just don;t want to have to explain it to death

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