
Has the entire sport of basketball been reduced to "Do you like Kobe or LeBron better"?

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I'm sick of hearing that question. I hate them both.




  1. To answer your  There are plenty of other interesting bball topics folks are discussing.

    What did Kobe or Le Bron do to you for you to hate them?

  2. I think the entire industry of athletics has been reduced to player celebrity. Consider any sport: how many people root for a team, rather than focus on a particular player and his contract?

    Will we watch the NY Jets? Or will we be watching Favre?  Seems this is true with every sport I can think of.  

  3. kobe no question i have his shirt on now

  4. You're not helping the cause by posting more of the same question.

  5. Its all politics, man.

    Your either in the Laker Party or not...

    If you aren't in the Laker party you generally hate everyone in that party.

    If you are in the Laker party, you spend your time defending Kobe Bryant, trying to explain to people that he is better than MJ or LeBron or whatever.

    Then theres the third party...and thats you my friend...Hate em both

  6. then what kind of question is this? we really don't care if you hate them both. they are the two best players in the game today, and everyone knows that people always hate the best.

  7. No you can also like D-Wade and CP3 better


  9. only in HERE Mike...only in HERE (thank God!)...

  10. LOL....well thats all i have been hearing myself.. well they are the best two perimeter players that are out right now ...???  the next ? is gonna be "who is the closest one to Jordan"...The media is full of things...!!!!

  11. Yes. And you know what other question has been on here alot? "Why do people keep asking who they like better Kobe or Lebron...I'm sick of it" So I'm sick of hearing both questions and I hate both the questions. They're both great players though.

  12. No, not really.  Kobe is better than MJ is asked way more than the Lebron vs Kobe debate.  

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