
Has the environmental movement been taken over or at least infiltrated by ultra-leftists?

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You know, types, Malthusians, people who have long waged an all-out assault on the American "production and consumption lifestyle" and lost that debate on economic grounds who instead of conceding defeat have sought a change of venue, rephrasing their arguments in the language of environmentalism?

I know there are legitimate environmentalists and environmental issues, legitimate scientific concerns - - my question is, are those concerns and those truly knowledgable environmental advocates being drowned out at times by political leftists, and is there a risk of guilt by association - is there a risk that a scientist with a legitimate concern about global warming, for example, won't be listened to because a group like PIRG, Greenpeace, Earth First or the UCS, with a poor track record for credibility, is also trumpeting the global warming alarm?




  1. Yes it is a group with a political agenda to drive the world back to the dark ages except for themselves of course. The whole scam is laid out in a document called “The Limits to Growth” published in the early 1970s by a group of billionaires called the Club of Rome”

    Their evangelistic doctrine is that we have already found and are using all the resources this planet has and is ever going to have forever. And so they feel to preserve their privileged lifestyle for uncounted future generations of their descendents they must forcibly impose conservation on the rest of us. Al Gore who is a charter member of this group through his fathers partnership in Occidental Petroleum was chosen by the groups head David Rockefeller as spokesman and leading evangelist in the new religion of forced environmentalism where deniers would be purged as heretics.

    Has no one else noted the religious fervor of the AGM adherents in this new crusade against the unbelievers. The preparing of stakes for publicly burning heretics who will not convert is only done in effigy now, but as their movement falters from evidence showing that their evidence is falsified will they really burn deniers at the stake. I feel if coming from the way some of the top AGW promoters here act.

  2. It's gone beyond simply "going green" and living more efficiently and less wasteful.   Turn your A/C off when not using it, that's just common sense.  Don't pollute and don't litter.  Fine, no problem, I'm all for a cleaner environment.  

    What I don't want to see happen, as is already going on, is the constant fear-building that we're seeing with environmental movements these days.   Congress has already outlawed conventional incandescent bulbs within the next few years.  Does that mean I'll have contraband if I still have a few bulbs sitting around?  CFL's are nice even though they're poisonous, but unless they can get LED lights on the market, a huge CFL bulb just won't look right in some of the mood lighting fixtures I have.  

    There's a group called ELF or Earth Liberation Front.  Apparently they decide which housing developments are Earth friendly and which ones aren't.  The ones they deem un-Earth friendly are set fire and burnt to the ground.  

    Now, I know I'm not environmentally savvy but it seems to me that large homes burning and sending lots of smoke billowing into the sky seems to be more of a great way to pollute the air, rather than saving the Earth.  Not to mention financial and property loss.  Just a thought.  

    This whole global warming thing is nothing more than a ruse to get us worked up into giving up our way of life and conveniences.  If we don't, turning on the A/C for example irreparably damages the planet.  

    But!  If we want to pay an organization such as Al Gore's Dewy, Cheatem, and Howe Green Credit Bank, we can pollute all we want.  So it's clear it's not living clean that's the issue, it's all out socialism Al Gore and his people are after.  Hollywood isn't any better since they have been allowed to shape our superstitious nuclear energy policy as well as jumping on the whole AGW thing and wringing that out as much as they can.  

    What doesn't fit is these same Hollywood moguls live in homes the size of office buildings and use as much energy as ten to twenty average sized homes.  They ride in limousines-- stretch Hummers and they also ride in huge custom busses or private aircraft.  Yet they tell US to cut back and use less.  

    Now these people are millionaires and they earned it, fine.  But don't go using and consuming and tell everyone else to conserve.

    AGW is meant as a means of control of the masses and it has nothing to do with keeping the air clean or reducing litter.  AGW is meant to keep the minions busy with projects and fear of not "doing my part" while others get to live as they please and consume all they want.

  3. They have always been ultra left.

  4. Gore is a fine example.  Once again he is at it, calling for a crippling change in energy production, while at the same time being one of the largest private users out there.

    Why can't people practice what they preach?

    Then you have some, like Amy, who are calling for the local governments to step in and dictate how private citizens can or can not use the land that is their's.

  5. You seem to just hate any left-thinking people.  PIRG and Earth First are nothing like one another. has absolutely nothing to do with your argument.  (although we should consider the environmental consequences of this war)

    I thought this was supposed to be questions, not rants with a question mark at the end?

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