
Has the guitar become so common, that it has become boring and annoying as an instrument itself...?

by  |  earlier

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Everywhere I go EVERY FREAKING PERSON WANTS TO PLAY GUITAR!!!!!! And I go to Kohls and they have shirts that have Fender and Gibson on them... Im like WTF, half the people wearing these shirts have no idea about the guitar...

Ok, maybe I went overboard with the rant. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE the guitar, a shredding solo is so kick ***, but it seems like the guitar has almost become a "Bandwagon instrument"... If that makes sense...

Please no hate Answers... If you feel my vibe just try to answer my question lol




  1. i dont "feel {your} vibe"

  2. yeah well, i think its just become a bit more commercialized then many of us would like. i hate the fact that people who dont play guitars wear guitar brand names, or guitar tees, because i wear them because i play, and now, people dont realize that. they think i wear them because they're cool. NO!!! i play guitar!!! really!!! and people start out playing guitar because they think its cool and easy, decide its too much work, and quit progressing. they can play like, one song, and call themselves a guitar mastermind. NOOO!!! you're not!!! but thats a different story.

  3. I started playing guitar in highschool probably about 8 years ago, I was one of the first to start it seemed, but about a year later it seemed like everyone else was playing it too.

    You will find tons of guitar players but not many dedicated, great players because nobody likes to practice.

    That's why I quit piano.

  4. I'm not that worried, sure there are alot more people playing guitar these days...but few actually play it well and those are the guitar players that stand out.

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