
Has the left moved their strategy from "Its Bush's fault" to " I hate Sarah Palin"?

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With only a matter of weeks left before the election.... has the left finally realized George Bush isnt running again?




  1. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

    If it's in the same party, and votes the same 90% of the time, it's probably McSame.

  2. Oh yeah, the "Right" namely the abusive men in the world hate Sarah Palin because they know the kind of home life she had that's the kind of life they should have given their wives and now they HATE her and it is not just because she is Republican

  3. Sara has nothing to do with little georgies s***w ups.  Leave her out of the picture.

  4. No, I don't hate her, I just don't want another 4 years and ideas

    like Bush.

  5. considering McCain all but said the same things about Bush's admin...

    I wouldn't so quick to bash those who blame Bush for any of our problems.

    And no, "the left" isn't doing that.  There is no such thing as "the left" nor "the right" in the context you describe.  They are two groups made up of individuals...those individuals all have different ideas and thoughts.

    Stop being lazy.

  6. They are running scared.......

    McCain/Palin 08

  7. Bush IS running again. And so is d**k Cheney.

    In the form of John McCain and Caribou Barbie.

  8. Palin is d**k Cheney.  

    At least politically...  She may actually be a little more conservative.

  9. Sarah is actually the lefts savior

    Now Mich won't be compared to Cindy

  10. Umm  actually Bush isn't but his views are, McCain is not wanting to change anything to fix the problems that Bush created in the WH, so really if McCain is elected it would be like having Bush in the WH again, except McCain doesn't want to withdraw the troops but Bush and Iraq government is supposedly in the works with that right now

    Key point, I wasted my night last night watching the McCain speech to see what his goals were for the economy because that will be what decides this election.. and he didn't even talk about it, the only statement I have from McCain with regards to the economy is that he "doesn't know as much as he should"

    I'm not going to vote based on who fought in the military, or the amount of jokes the VP can dish out, they aren't running for the next Last Comic Standing they are running for President of America

  11. Yes because he's about to be gone and now we have to fear her and what she could possibly do to our country. How did she even get on the ticket. She runs a state less people in the whole place then in vegas alone and she does a bad job at that .It makes me happy to be a dem!  

  12. yup.

  13. It's all good. Fortunately their talking points are decided on in elementary school polls. I haven't seen one yet that appears to be from post puberty participation.  

  14. Well the President carries the heaviest burden for the state of the country. Thats the way it is.

    Sarah Palin is a very clever and effective populist. However, I think she will run out of steam or commit a gaff before long. Never buy crackling from a moil.

    In any case, I think Obama should and will win.

  15. I have not heard ANYBODY say "I hate Sarah Palin".  Why are you making her into a victim of liberal wrath when she clearly is not?

  16. No, we can still blame that idiot

  17. That's hilarious!!!

    The OBAMA people saying Palin: "has no experience".

    I think they need to be really careful about casting stones in THIS neighborhood!

  18. Even the dim wits need a slogan.

  19. No, the wacko Dems just found someone new that they can really hate.  That's what motivates them.  Look at the questions above yours for proof.

  20. They will probably figure it out at the last minute so far they are still on the Bush Bashing Buss even though he is going out with his policies

  21. I know they were slow on the pickup of that one.  Soon it will be that Sarah is stupid and has a funny accent (sound familiar?) lol

    Liberals love recycling so much they recycle their own insults!

  22. No. It has moved to It's Bush's Fault AND McCain is his buttboy AND we hate Sarah Palin. You guys just keep adding on reasons not to vote republican. Keep it up, the nation is laughing at you.

  23. If you listened to any of the responces by Sen. Obama or Biden you'd have that answer.

    To ask this question proves that you havn't been listening with objective ears.

    I hope you don't vote, just judging by your slanted question I think your too immature to handle politics.

  24. They havent got too much to run on, I guess Sarah gives them a new target, but I dont get how they think attacking her children will help them, this will backfire.

  25. they sure think he is, lets not tell them quite yet.

  26. We'll put Palin and Bush in the same cage because that's where they belong. Period!

  27. I'm a Republican and I really like Sarah Palin.  She's no president, though.

    Votin' Obama-Biden '08

  28. No way! Sarah Palin is not running for president McCain is... McCain is the one that voted with Bush 95% of the time. We like her shes a good American.

  29. I'm not sure they know what to do right now. They've got so many problems. McCain is far from Bush and did a great job showing the country why his proven character makes him the man for the job...great speech!

    Did you see the youtube where Obama is endorsing the now felon/past mayor of Detroit? How many "interesting associations" does that man have? You've got to wonder about his judgement!!!

  30. they have as they are like  rats on a sinking ship

  31. Palin is an ultra-Neo-Con with less education and experience than Bush.

    And that's pretty bad.

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