
Has the media caved in to the McCain Camps whining and stopped asking them the tough questions about Palin?

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All I hear now are talking points already debunked by every fact check organization, yet the media allows them to keep repeating them unchallenged for fear of being called bias or sexist.




  1. Unless they are ethical and political questions you can shove them or you can try to answer the questions about Obama ties to Rezko, to the known terrorist or to his black supremacist church and beliefs. Yeah i know it s old ... but still unanswered.

  2. Yes, they have. Look for the VP debate to toss her softballs as well.

  3. The Media has been promoting Obama for 18months now, They never say anything good about McCain,The media for years lied and kept the truth from the people,Now you have cable news networks that are independent and you can rear the truth,I found That Fox news is really the only one that is Fair,CNN MSNBC are Obama supporters and very bias

  4. What tough questions?

  5. Haven't you heard...If we don't vote for McCain and Palin we are all going to h**l....That's what Palins pastor said.

  6. Oh yeah and the dems never lie ever ever ever. we can completely trust them. so silly...

  7. No I think they're going to get her and they're going to get her good...I think they're letting them bask in the glow of the RNC and next week she's going to get called out something awful.

  8. Yes,

    mostly because the media are pulling in a lot of revenue from the ubiquitous oil drilling propaganda commercials.  Part of the massive oil lobbying campaign going on right now (of which McCain/Palin is the centerpiece).  Guess where all that oil profit is going.  You know, the profit they are getting every time we fill our cars.





  10. Obama said to stop and they did. I media knows that BIdens daughter got in trouble this past week and Obama has many skeleton's his his closet.

    Obama reminded the media that by bashing Palin, they are inviting more scrutiny to him. The liberal media then backed off. That is what happened

  11. Yes and most of the reporters are over middle class wadges that's why they are republicans its all about the money not the middle class or poor,they are trying to get rid of middle class to have poor and rich only.

  12. That's wishful thinking. True, the media did not ask about the sleeping arrangements for Bristol and Levi at the convention, or how the Palins explained it to their younger daughters. So, the whining from the pit bull in lipstick rings hollow.

    At some point the honeymoon will be over. Having insulted the media, Sarah Palin must at some point come before them to hold press conferences. And that is when her lack of knowledge of the US constitution and her simple beliefs will be exposed. She truly is not ready for prime time.

    Or does the RNC expect us voters to just accept her because she has good looks and gave one speech? How ironic is that???

    In the meantime, it is up to Joe Biden and the female leadership of the Democratic party to peel back the layers of protection wrapped around Palin. That guy better get to it, too!

  13. You mean the way they've coddled B.H.O. in fear of being called racist!!

  14. No, their (the media) viewer rating has been dropping , so they a pulling a Obama and implementing more change

  15. definatly! they were all over her, now, nothing.. and its bc Mcsame made a huge stink about it.. what a baby.. Obams camp didnt do that!

  16. Vice Presidential debates are coming. I agree that the Republicans are using the gender card for her, but if you want to survive in a "mans world", you better expect some hard hitting. She was excellent at memorizing the Bush speechwriters words, but is not taking questions at her media gatherings. That will soon end.

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