
Has the media determined for us that women with children should NOT hold important positions?

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They have been beating the c**p out of Sarah Palin for days now.




  1. the MEDIA serves up lottsa kool aid.

  2. Yes, they are trying to influence the American people against Palin.

    It has worked and won't work in my case.

  3. No as long as your liberal. No one gives Nancy Polecat ( D-Ca) Speaker of the House number three in line of session to the White House if she can handle the job of mother and President at the same time.

  4. Sure seems like it. I've heard talk on local radio about her taking care of her kids while trying to be VP. I guess her husband can't do it, or she can't afford great nannies to help out. Really makes you wonder why the Dems are always talking about respecting the single working mom when she's getting ripped apart.

  5. They have sure tried to tell us that Palin should be barefoot and pregnant at home in the kitchen.  It's like bra burning never happened.

  6. As well they should...She was complete unknown by 95% of america just a week ago.

    why are you so scared to have her feet put to the flame?

    why is it everyone else has to take heat from the press...but not her?...why does she get special rules?

  7. It appears that if you are a woman and not 120% successful  with your own family, you have no business climbing further in the career ladder until you prove yourself to be


    SUPER WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. That's cause she's a conservative redneck. Not because she's a woman.

  9. Considering the way they treated Hillary I would say you could leave off the "with children". If Palin did not have children they would use that against her instead.

  10. I thought it was a conservative ideology that women are homemakers.  I didn't get the memo that conservatives support a stay at home father.  

    Perhaps you could provide a previous example.

    EDIT:  That is fine that you are thrilled about Palin.  (As a hardcore libertarian, I cannot support her). I do wonder when a stay-at-home father has become another conservative value.

  11. And it's gonna backfire, because Women work and women have babies. Women have family issues and have to hold it all together and struggle along. Sarah is an American HERO!  

  12. Yes. According to liberals, women are too weak and helpless to be allowed much freedom ... unless the government steps in to "level the playing field".

  13. The media had determined who our next president will be - Obama. With few exceptions. So, yes, they have the audacity to suggest that Palin can't be a good mom with a downs baby and be a Gov too? Outrageous. . I didn't hear anything about Biden after his wife died and he was commuting. No one asked if he was being a good father. No matter. All this liberal media is helping the REP cause.  There are a lot of women out there who see what is happening and will not fall for it.  

  14. No.  Reporting on Palin is not "beating the c**p out" her.  Why the double standards?  I haven't seen ONE media report suggesting that having a family makes her less eligible for office.  I think that's just a bunch of Neocon whining in an attempt to cast Palin as some sort of victim.

  15. No, thats just a clever use of throwing conservative talking points of 10 years ago back at them.

  16. Okay...I am a Conservative working woman....I am absolutely appalled at the blatant, ridiculous, comments about Sarah Palin's ability to be VP because she is a mother...WHO CARES!!!!!

    If you don't agree with her stance on the issues, that is fine.

    Isn't this 2008 for God's sake, no one is asking Obama if he is going to be a good father because he has two young girls....come on America..get real!

  17. Not for me!

  18. No, the message I have been getting is that only conservative women should not hold positions of power. It's still ok for liberal women. Liberal women apparently are not unfit mothers if they work outside the home. They have a different set of rules.

    It is interesting how the media has exposed its own biases lately.

  19. the media would like to think so.


  20. She wants to be treated like a man and that is what the media is doing. Why are you defending her? I thought that the big bad she wolf could take care of herself!

  21. No just that bible and gun toting neglegent mother.

  22. Palin help an important position as Governor and the people knew she had kids, and she IS the most well liked Governor in the country, and probably holds a record for highest approval rating, so I say, yes the media MIGHT portray that, however Sarah Palin has proved to us that yes she can and will do it.  

  23. Yes, they have.

    We all figured out something about liberals, didn't we?

    They want to control.  It has nothing to do with progress.  Look at the UK, Sharia Law installed in their communities is not progress.  It's anti-woman.  How dare the UK do that after women had to earn their rights in that country?  The worldwide liberal agenda is showing itself for everyone to see.

  24. They didn't have to beat the c**p out of her.  I had every single website with her name on it pulled up 2 minutes after her VP run was announced.  

    Her ties to AIM (Alaska Independence Movement) and FFL (Feminists for Life) scare the WHOOPS out of me.  

    FFL is anti-abortion/anti birth control/anti s*x education.  

    Like I want a woman like this in my rights?   I don't think so.  

    I also have to question her family values, since I have seen Bristol pictures of her out boozing and partying (at 16).  Where was mommy OR daddy?  It has nothing and everything to do with her pregnancy.  Did mommy not have a nice little birds and bees chat with her daughter?  My mother had one with me at age 10, 12, 13, 14, and she still has these chats with me.  She told me she could put me on the pill, or I could keep my legs closed.  She bought my brother 8 boxes of STURDY condoms and told him to use them, or she would castrate him.

    Mama Palin lost the boat, and lost my vote.

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