
Has the media gone too far?

by  |  earlier

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Is it just me or do you also feel deeply offended that they are replaying the video of this lady slowly dying on the floor and squirming like a roach all over the news?!?

Does the media have like no regard for morals!? I would be horrified if I knew this woman's family/friends.




  1. The media frequently goes to far.  They turn too many tragedies into prime-time viewing, like it's a soap opera.  It's sad, but I have to watch for the 15 seconds of real news that is important.

  2. I think they do too much simply for ratings.  Their job is to tell us what is going on, and that's as far as it's supposed to go, but often times you see sensational images posted just to feed into ridiculous interest in misfortune/disaster.

    It's obscene, really; not because they show these images but because of why they do.

  3. i dont know the vid or seen it but the way you describe it, it sounds horrible but the media doesnt give a c**p all they want is for us to watchemm

  4. they show it because it happened, they didn't make that up and it's important that these kind of things never happen again and those responsible to be taken to justice

    of course playing the video over and over doesn't solve this, it only draws the public's attention to this matter. and after that, real investigative journalism and tough questions from reporters SHOULD follow.

    if they stop at playing the video, it's nothing more than a stupid tabloid that takes people's misfortunes and exploits them  for public amusament.

    good night and good luck!

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