
Has the meridian system ever been mapped with modern technology?

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Few years ago I read a reseach paper where a university in Korea did research on the speed of light along meridians. Light travelled faster along meridians was the conclusion they came to. Has the meridian system revealed itself to technological supremacy or is technology still not supreme enough to bring it into picture?




  1. No argument on where to place the question.

    I'm not aware of any research that claims that light moves faster in one direction than another.  The Michelson Morley experiment attempted to see if light moved faster one way (in the direction that the Earth moves, or the Sun moves) compared with other directions.  The experiment has been repeated, but no change of speed has been detected.  It predated General Relativity.

    Light can move slower than in a vacuum.  For example, it's slower in air, and much slower in water or glass.  And it's this property that allows a prism to work.

    And a cosmic ray - which is a particle, can move faster through the atmosphere than light can through the atmosphere.  It's one of a few phenomenon that is "faster than light".

    I'd need a link to an article to say something even halfway intelligent about it.

  2. Relativity has been proved correct by every experiment that has ever been carried out and this is founded on the fact that the speed of light (in a vacuum) is constant for all observers ..

    If some sort of 'meridian' effect has been discovered, then it can only be down to gravitational effects  - in a gravitational field, space is curved - the distance traveled thus depends on the route taken and hence light, traveling at constant C can take longer / or shorter going one way compared to an other.... however the speed is still the same ..

    It's much more likley that some 'reporter' misunderstood the (poorly mistranslated) research (remember, 'reporters' do not have any scientific education - those that do hold any sort of higher degree most likley did 'media studies' :-) ) and 'hyped it up' for consumption by the ignorant American public ..

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