
Has the myth that Republicans are moral supermen finally been destroyed?

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Palin thinks she's such a good Christian and that she's taught her family well, but her daughter is pregnant out of wedlock.

It's almost too good to be true.




  1. Should we hold you accountable for the things your family does? Or do they make their own choices?

  2. It's almost to good to be true??? This sounds like the typical liberal, pathetic.

  3. Not at all.

    It's even better then that.

    What outstanding courage to do the right thing.

    It shows what everyone with a heart knows.

    They love and support their daughter and her husband to be.

    Boy that kid is lucky to be marrying into the VP elects family.

    This is an incredible development!

    McCain/Palin 08

    Jesus loves the little children.

  4. "Obama condemned campaign rumors involving the children of candidates. Speaking Monday to reporters in Michigan, he said, 'I think people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits.'"

    "'I am offended by that statement,' he said. 'Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I ever thought that there was somebody in my campaign that was involved in something like that, they'd be fired.'"

  5. i think its funny you liberals have resorted to attacking the 17 year old daughter of Palin...i say keep it will explode in your face like an aborted fetus.

  6. Has it ever, killing of innocents, "shock & aw", torture, bypassing legal and civil rights, directing huge contracts to there good buddies with out oversight, and pure bungling in about every thing they have done.

  7. I think the new term is "Brittany Spears Republican"... there is a link between lifestyles and family values.

  8. How can one event prove anything, That Democrats are racists

    and sexiest against those not of their party is supported by a

    Universe of facts

  9. at least she knows the father, most inner city girls don't

  10. I have never heard that myth.

    Who claims Republicans are all moral supermen?

    Just because conservatives strive to be moral, the liberals go & try to act like conservatives pretend to be perfect.

    Nothing is further from the truth.

  11. Now if we could only destroy the myth that Republicans ever put themselves out as moral supermen, we might get into some real issues.  

  12. To me the Repubs always having the moral high ground was a fantasy in their own minds and just a stupid ploy to hoodwink good Chrisitan believers. Being married out of wedlock isn't that bad, she's almost 18 and perhaps she's more mature than even that since chronological age is different than actual age. I'd say most girls in the world get married when they're just 14.

  13. They don't practice what they Preach.  

  14. It has always been a myth.  Perfect example:  Newt G., who was having an affair while married, gave his wife divorce papers while she was in the hospital with cancer.

    It would be a little easier to forgive these people if they didn't try to act so holy and force their "morality" on others...especially when they are so immoral.

  15. Sounds like you need a hobby.

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