
Has the offensive word / phrase / idea / belief of the night been determined yet?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike know, the word / phrase / idea / belief that, if used in any context or professed, will get people reported by everyone that sees it?

Sort of a different take on the drinking game...




  1. dont think so

  2. Palin/Vice President running mate/Downs Syndrome Baby/Pregnant 17 year old daughter/Big Republican Love-in/Jesus Loves Them (apparently!) And yes, she is an attractive, well spoken woman - but if I was an American, I still would not vote for that ticket!

  3. Sodomites/Palin/nitwits.

  4. I just came on but I haven't seen one yet. Honestly, I'm still smirking at "How are Babbys formed?"  

  5. No, but I have several ideas!

    Christian, Atheist, religion, blessing, God, Jesus, abortion, saved,

  6. I'm going to agree with Radio on this one, especially since those questions spark many other ones, like abortion and stuff.

  7. wow, i had no idea such a game existed.  I thought the whole point of this forum was to dispense useless, crass and incoherent bile and to collectively bathe in it.

    How about asking if jesus, mohammed or any other religious characters have ever been involved in german scat pornography.  

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