
Has the old British people lost their id in Britain?

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Has the old British people lost their id in Britain?




  1. Tell me what my ID should be and i'll let you know if i've lost it.

    I'm British, but i'm not 100% sure of our culture. Its a big mixing pot.

  2. What old British people?  We are a mongrel nation.  There are very few of us who don't have a parent or grandparent born outside of the UK.  We've had waves of immigrants every century for the past 2,000 years.  

    The Anglo Saxons came over about 1,400 years ago.  They were a German tribe of short people.  Anyone over 5 foot tall can't claim pure Anglo Saxon descent.

    The Celtic tribes came from Eastern Europe about 10,000 years ago - now some of the ones they left behind want to join them.

  3. Sadly Yes,  due to the mass immigration that has been allowed to overtake the British population since immigration began.

    With many schools (about 1,300 ) children with English as their first language were in the minority, in nearly half of these schools fewer than a third of pupils speak English as their first language.

    Immigrant families are driving the population to a record high, 70 percent of recent population growth in England resulted from immigration and much of the rest was down to higher birth rates among immigrants.  Children with English as their first language are now in the minority in more than 1300 schools - more than one in 20 of all schools in England – children with English as their first language are in the minority.

    Last year 5000,00 was the recorded number of immigrants who settled here last year - add onto this the 146,956 babies born to mothers from outside the UK (this does not include british born second generation immigrants) and take off the 200,000 britons who decided to quit Britain it doesn't take much to realise that Britian has not only lost its identity but will be in the minority of the population very soon if something is not done to curb immigration.

    How can you have a British identity when so many of the population are not British - I am 100% British and am proud of my British heritage and will teach my daughter to be proud of it too, as I am pretty sure they don't teach that in schools anymore - I will continue to teach it even if I am one of those that also decides to quit Britain!

    In case anyone is critical of my views, I am not bitter just sad at how our identity is being lost and living in my own country where I and my family will become minorities and are treated so appalingly by our own government (including being treated as second class citizens when it comes to benefits and housing (not me personally but I know many that have))who believe that if they keep telling us how immigration is positive for us then we will start believing it!

  4. yes we have and we seem to be losing our traditions by the day because of fear of offending someone from another country or race. it is unfair to think that if we went to their countries, they would not accommodate us like we do them.

  5. if your american or any other natonality can i swap with you please i hate being british wot is it tobe british=c**p c**p RUBBISH GARBAGE DO YOU THINK THAT ASKING WOT ITS LIKE TOBE BRITISH NOWADAYS WOULD BE A GOOD QUESTION? TO ASK

  6. Eeerrrmmm,   that would have to be a YES.

    We haven't been British for a long time due to almost being overrun with foreigners.  There could well be more of them then there are of us.

    Remember the Native Americans?

    That will be us,  confined to a Reservation, like  some rare animal.

    (Does that sound bitter?)

  7. Hey, who are you calling old???  Anyway, I know what it is to be British, I am proud of our varied history, of our universally recognised language, of our unique eccentricity, of our stubborn streak - and our capacity to try and understand and tolerate any other culture within our borders.

    I am proud to be a citizen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  8. No Gordon is going to give us all a new one

  9. Yes.

  10. does seem to be becoming that way

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