
Has the old Russian/Soviet Bear simply been hibernating over the past 15 years?

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Is the Russian invasion of Georgia a signal of the Red Bear awakening and the rebirth of the Soviet Union?




  1. My answer is a resounding yes.  The situation in Georgia clearly shows that they are using "ethnic tensions" to invade a country that was once a part of the former Soviet empire.  While I don't think that they will attempt to resurrect the U.S.S.R. as a communist regime, I do think that they will try to have the Russian Empire again.  I just heard that they invaded a city outside of the disputed areas.  Only time will tell as to what their true intentions are.  However, Belarus, Estonia, the Ukraine, and several former Soviet states should be keeping an eye on their borders as this may signal the beginning of regional hostilities.  The question is, how will the United States, the U.N., and N.A.T.O. respond to this growing crisis?  If N.A.T.O. would have included Georgia in their ranks, this may have averted this crisis.  The Russians may be viewing N.A.T.O.'s rejection of Georgia as a signal to go and seize the former Soviet territories and expand it's sphere of influence.  Several of the former states have resources that Russia would like to control again, including oil.  As I stated earlier, only time will tell.  Putin has become more authoritative and has taken more of a hardline stance.  Will we see the rebirth of communism there?  While it is possible, it is highly unlikely.  We may be seeing a return to the days of the cold war, or possibly something worse.  This may be the spark WW III needs.  I pray not, but again, that is something determined by time.

  2. Rebirth?..Nahh..They knew in the late 80's they were losing the cold war..So its not a rebirth but a makeover..SURPRISE!!!!!!!

  3. you bet ye he has.

  4. Yes.  Clearly they want to return to their previous status as a superpower.  I wonder how China will react to that?  Those two never got along well.  

  5. i believe that is what is happening, and they are almost daring the united states to get involved, if we get to much involved then i dont think anyone will like how it will end up

  6. mccain better start channeling reagan asap!

  7. Yes. They have been hibernating and rebuilding the military forces. The wealth from there oil and natural gas operations has been provided the funding for this and much more in the Russian society. Under Putan's strong hold of power and the military Russia has taken a giant leap from the days of dispair under communisum and right after the fall in 89 through the 1990's.

    I don't think we seen anything as to what will come in the years ahead. I do believe Putan will still be running the show for at least another 15 to 20 years. The president is just a puppet to his will and any future ones will be also.

    One does have to admire what he has done for Russia. If you have been whatching over the last 15 years. What a  transition from then to now. Wow  

  8. Brad... Sadly to see people absolutely nothing knowing about REAL events occurring in South Ossetia, and doing from this serious conclusions... :(

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