
Has the price of college become unaffordable for the middle class?

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I know of you are "poor"-you get alot of finacial aid -and if you are rich you just pay for it.......if you are middle class and you have 4 kids forget it.......or they can join the military......




  1. Pretty much. And depending on the college's endowment, even poor people are not given financial aid that aren't loans. This is why I champion community college. If your county has a good community college, I would enroll there first and get general education requirements out of the way and then transfer to a 4 year school once the 2 yrs are completed. Many states make their public universities have contracts with the CCs, so most of your credits will transfer and you will probably get some scholarships if you did well.

  2. yes you have to take out a butt load of loans and hope you get enough financial aid

  3. It is very difficult to get money for college for your children. Financial aid in the way of unsubsidized or subsidized is not even enough. Colleges and universities do not give enough scholarship money away. The cheapest costs for each year can be a staggering 23K and that's without books. The federal government will lend you about 5K a year. Middle class is a classification of the past. No one can truly afford college and even community college is not what it is advertised as. My daughter almost wasted a year in community college due to money and when she went to a university she had to take the same courses over even though she had passed with a 90 average. The course content was inferior.

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