
Has the question of experience now been put in the proper perspective?

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The left continues to savage Sarah Palin for her "lack of experience".. Yet she has MORE executive experience than Obama and she isnt running for president.

Doesnt this illustrate Americans concerns over Obama?




  1. No. If it had it would be apparent that not one of the Nominees are fit to be President.

  2. Palin has lack of experience

    McCain has lots of experience

    Obama has lack of experience

    Biden has a lot of experience

    Palin could become the next president when McCain drops dead, or is unable to lead.

    If you like the same, vote for McCain.

    If you want change, vote for Obama.

    I'll go for change.

    At least Obama has national experience.

    Plus he has proven he can work with the opposition

    It seems to me, Palin is a divider, not a uniter.

    We really do not need another 4 to 8 years of Bush.




  3. The whole question of Obama's experience was ridiculous to begin with. I mean, he even has more experience than Abraham Lincoln.

    Palin on the other hand has such a thin resume that it's irrelevant that it is executive experience! Alaska is concerned with Alaska, and always has been. Palin is not going to be prepared to take over for McCain with her less than 2 years worth of experience!

  4. I just don't like her... it's that simple.

    I think her statements about Hillary Clinton were disrespectful considering that Hillary was actually being chosen by voters... not a senile old man.

  5. LOL! You conservatives all say the same thing at the same time, why?

    What Palin has shown in her "executive" experience has been a penchant for petty vindictiveness. In a state with a smaller population than dozens of cities, with a state congress the same party and with abundant revenues that could provide a universal health care system for it's citizens, but does not.

    There is nothing in Palin's background to show she can forge compromises, an understanding of complex domestic and foreign issues nor a capacity for being a sharp thinker.

    Closer one looks at Palin, the worse she looks.

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