
Has the "great and mighty" Hussein Obama spoken and told us that Michelle Obama is now "Off-Limits" ?

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How pompous to think that that we are that stupid that he can dictate ANYTHING in this race ...he should be lucky he's even in it, let alone telling America what the rules are!

His "gracious" political announcements & ploys will not deter legitimate criticisms of this highly questionable man and any of his family members who put their political opinions out there!

Sorry and your "lovely" wife are still very very FAIR GAME!

And if I hear one more word from Mr. Barack Hussein Obama alluding to Senator John McCain as being "senile" or "confused" then political attacks on his grandparents will also be incorporated!

"Off-Limits" ....Ha!




  1. He was being nice.

    Leave the guy alone, I love how even when he does the right thing, people find ways to twist it.

    And you guys tell us to stop talking about that w***e?  And that bimbo of a mother she has?

  2. Nope.

    He said Palin's daughter is off limits.

    Catch up slowpoke.


    "I Really Didn’t Love America"

    John McCain

  3. Instead of you running off your mouth, Obama said family is off limit.  Do your research before accusing people of stuff.  Obama said to leave the little girl alone and family should be off limits!!!!  You are the type of person that will blame Obama or black people for every problems you have.  Get a life! (=

  4. Sounds like some skeletons ready to come out of the closet....

  5. excuse me but ur nom has chosen a woman who would willingly put her daughter out there for the ridicule of the world. my nom just said that he feels both noms families should be off limits for either party to insult or drag into the dirt. he is trying to take  the higher road.  

  6. You're so stupid... Wouldn't you do the same for your family! idiot!

    Obama was humble enough to say that family is off limits, and this was when the media was referring to the pregnant 17 yr old girl of Mccains VP choice. Obviously a good man, and he wouldn't dare use her child in his campaign against her and Mccain.

  7. I want to get angry and and defend the Obama's but I don't understand your question. Im so confused.

    Obama / Binden 2008

  8. I don't seem to hear anything about Michelle on the news, I don't know of any scandals involving her so what could you find to talk about....

    However, now McCain and Palin are different...there's much to say about those two.

  9. Even though I'm a Republican, I don't have a problem with him deciding that his wife is off limits. I don't think people are voting for his wife, she just happens to be related to him through marriage. Not every spouse wants to volunteer to get into the politics like Hillary did. She has her own work and family to take care of so if she's not a media hog and attention seeker, then I couldn't care less. I would be that way too.

    If McCain is prostituting his hot wife to get popularity points then that's his business but it doesn't mean Obama has to respond in the same way. In fact the more Michelle wants to stay behind the scenes, the worse it makes McCain's wife look. I think it shows Obama is a big boy to stand on his own two feet without his wife's help.

    When I go to a job interview my husband doesn't shlep along (not that I'm married but just making a point).

  10. yeah

  11. The Messiah has spoken - out of the side of his mouth with a forked tongue!!!

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